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[quote="Nez"]On the topic of dubs vs. subs, I'm more understanding towards dubs, because sometimes the original voices are just inaccesable (I mean sometimes the Japanese versions, women are just too friggin' high pitched to the point they sound like thirteen year-olds). Bang Zoom! studio which usually does the Pioneer/Geneon animation usually does a good job and Funimation, a Texas-based dubbing studio, has really redemned themselves with dubbing FullMetal Alchemist. Ocean View, a Canada-based one and the ones who are responsible for the "Inuyasha" dub, have had hits and misses. 4Kids, well, I'm not to fond of their work, mainly they drastically edit footage and often dumb-down dialogue to be "suitable" for children.[/quote]
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Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:17 am
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I tried Bleach. It started out good, but about half-way through Soul Society I was ready to scream. They spend fifteen episodes on something that should take MAYBE 1/2 to 1/3rd that length. Also, Ichigo's Mary-Sueness annoys me. Anything that takes a normal shinigami years (and maybe centuries) to do, he does in a matter of days.
I also checked out Naruto, hoping to figure out what all the fuss was about. Can't stand it. YES, I watched the Japanese version.
Also, I recommend avoiding the English version of Advent Children at all costs. Kadaj's whiny voice, Cloud's California accent, and Vincent's far-too-deep voice make my ears want to bleed. (Vincent is tall, but he's not that
He's all legs.)
A series I really enjoyed was Haibane Renmei. With only thirteen episodes, the story does get on and over with. Also, it's quite original and very emotionally moving. And the opening/closing music... Oh. My. Word.
Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 8:08 pm
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Became a big anime addict in 2000 when I got obsessed with Gundam Wing. In addition to that, I also watch:
The Dirty Pair (ORIGINAL Dirty Pair, not Dirty Pair Flash!)
Sailor Moon
Power Stone
Area 88
I can't think of what other ones right now.
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 4:50 pm
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Lalalala... Haven't been on this message board since forever.
Anyway, my take on different anime. First up. *dumdumdumduuum*
*Ears ringing*
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - Um, it was pretty revolutionary back then, but the formulatic youma/whatever-monster-of-the-day-name appears, senshi are fooled by them, senshi beat them kind of thing grew old. It didn't help that they had a lot of filler going on... or that Mamoru/Tuxedo Kamen had the personality of salted cardboard a lot of the time... or that instead of maturing, Sailor Venus kept regressing... which was why I liked her Idol episode in Stars, she seemed to turn back on track after that.
Rec'ed for Sailor Moon fans: Pretear, Wedding Peach (ignore the frilly dresses and milk-drinking and it's pretty good, the akuma makes up for everything), Tokyo Mew Mew (ignore that Ichigo ended up with *** instead of *** or *** and it's pretty good), Magic Knight Rayearth, Record of Lodoss War (not mahou shoujo, but same message. The original OAV at least), Petite Princess Yucie, Full Moon wo Sagashite.
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden - It was good, then came the fillers, really, I can only take so much return to the status quo before I start jumping over episodes, and they didn't even touch Kakashi Gaiden. Now it's slow, really, really slow. It's "I just keep yawning while Chiyo keeps teaching Sakura about Sasori's weaknesses while Sasori just watch" slow. Um yeah.
Rec'ed for Naruto fans: Yu Yu Hakusho, Saiyuki (Ririn and Sakura would make an awesome and scary combo), Bleach, Outlaw Star (maybe...).
Bleach - So far, good. I just can't keep the many, many characters apart and tell if they are the fourth seat of the ninth division or the third seat of the second. And I have forgotten a lot of the names.
Rec'ed: Take a look at Naruto's list. If you're into Shinigami, add Death Note, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Yami no Matsuei, Yu Yu Hakusho. Also, if you liked Soul Society arc, you might find Saint Seiya fun.
Pok�mon - Er, I only watch the movies and specials nowadays, and then I can only stomach the one-shot characters (Jack Walker, the Raikou episode characters, Lucario...).
Rec'ed: Yu-Gi-Oh (Not the dub... never the dub), Shaman King (er, I never finished this but...), Beyblade (you know what I just realised? All these anime have more plot in one episode than what the pok�mon TV series have in their whole seasons, and that's pretty sad), Digimon Adventure/02/Tamers/Savers. With a stretch I'd say Digimon Frontier, too, but it's a bit different from the rest.
And here's a dare for all of you...
Watch Devil May Cry. Watch Final Fantasy: Unlimited. Watch Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Watch Trigun. Watch Hellsing... in a row and don't laugh whenever Dante/Kaze/Vincent/Vash/Alucard shows up. it's harder than it seems.
Er yeah, onto...
(are you deaf yet?)
Twelve Kingdoms - Currently watching this one and loving it. But I reserve most of my judgement until I've finished watching it. I've been told that the novel is better.
Slayers NEXT/Try - If I only got to watch one anime series, it would be Slayers. It got fantasy, parody, humour, drama, romance and squid for brains (plus all the lead males had to crossdress at least once), what's not to love? (By the way, NEXT is considered the best season out of the three).
Saiyuki - 'Cause it makes me laugh. And Son Goku and Sanzo is like the greatest dynamic duo. Ever. (Including the dynamics of Green Lantern and Flash in Justice League).
Romance of the Three Kingdoms - Only watched a couple of the beginning episodes, but it seems promising.
Yuroiden Samurai Troopers - A show that swings between average and great like a Magic Carpet ride at Disneyland. Great enough to warrant mention and sequels years after it was made (and I *always* seem to cross it over with Saint Seiya).
Nightwalker - Vampire anime. Shouldn't watch if you're younger than thirteen. Watch it for the Incubus and the fact that you get thirteen episodes for such a low price.
Chrono Crusade - Watch. Then Cry. A lot. Then rage about the ending.
Samurai Deeper Kyo - The manga is times infinity much better than the anime. But the anime is good in itself.
Legend of Himiko - Watched in the middle of the night. Brain was mush after a 24 marathon of cartoons/anime/fantasy movies. Lotsa WTF?! going through brain. "I liked that winged guy." -reaction. Pretty average with some bright and some dark spots.
Kaleidostar - I command all thee to watch it now. If you like the hardwork makes you a star kind of shows.
Lost Universe - Slayers in space, 'nuff said. Might wanna watch Slayers first for the easter eggs.
Ugh, I'm tired. Well, hopefully someone found this reply informative/amusing/insane.
Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 7:24 am
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Has anyone seen "Ouran High School Host Club"? I've only seen a few episodes, but it's a pretty funny show.
Sailor Neo Moon
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:24 am
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I haven't watched Magic Knight Rayearth before. I looked it up in Wikipedia, and, well, it's looks pretty good, but not as good as Sailor Moon.
Sailor Neo Moon
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 6:17 am
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Yep...i've seen Winx Club, Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, and W.I.T.C.H., and Sailor Moon is still my most favorite.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:33 pm
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Don't forget W.I.T.C.H. I haven't seen the cartoon, but the Italian comics are really good (I'd go as far as saying that they're my favourite comics in the world). That series also has lots of magic girl influences and similarities to Sailor Moon, but I hear the comics and cartoon are very different.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 11:42 am
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Sailor Neo Moon wrote:
Yeah... I have watched them, but they're still as not as good as Sailor Moon.
Have you tried Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon?
You might also enjoy Winx Club. It's an Italian series with heavy mahoujo influences. Also, Winx Club seems to be very storyline oriented with relatively few 'filler' or 'stock' episodes, making it a fairly engaging cartoon. (I lost most of my interest in Mermaid Melody and Tokyo Mew Mew after a few filler episodes - after seeing a particular filler in one series, you've pretty much seen it for them all.)
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 9:42 am
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What about Magic Knight Rayearth? Have you tried that one?
Sailor Neo Moon
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:41 am
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Syera wrote:
If you like Sailor Moon, you might enjoy anime like Mermaid Melody and Tokyo Mew Mew.
Yeah... I have watched them, but they're still as not as good as Sailor Moon. And I've watched Nurse Angel Ririka as well as Powerpuff Girls Z, which is a magical girl anime based on our North American Version one and the only difference is that they are teenagers instead of kindergarteners and they have fingers. I'm really into Magical Girl.
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2007 1:17 am
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Anyone know series like Candy Candy, Nils Holgersson, Lady Lady, or Makiba no Shoujo Katori, just to name a few? I've fallen completely in love with older anime from the 70's and 80's because of the charming art style and lovely stories in many of them. I love
kind of style, but
only manages to annoy the heck out of me.
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 4:10 pm
Post subject: Re: Sailor Moon
Sailor Neo Moon wrote:
I LOVE SAILOR MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG IT IS LIKE THE BEST ANIME AND TV SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sailor Neo Moon, I'm pretty hard core when it comes to SM, but I don't go raving mad about it.
Well I used to be hard core about it anyway.
Now I mainly like stuff such as: Inu-yasha, DBZ, Digimon(I am watching the fifth season and I can not decide whether I like it or not), Pokemon I have loved since it first came into being, and all the ones that also came out when I was younger. I miss the original animes very much, but I also like the new stuff.
One thing I miss was the more open colors of hair, rather than commonly having blond, brown, black and such colors.
The other night I saw an episode of an anime called 'Shinzo' and the main character had purple hair!
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:30 pm
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How much anime have you watched, exactly? o_0
Sailor Moon was a truly groundbreaking series in that it started the mahoujo/sentai genre, but calling it "the best anime and TV show ever" would be a bit of a stretch in my opinion.
If you like Sailor Moon, you might enjoy anime like Mermaid Melody and Tokyo Mew Mew.
Sailor Neo Moon
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 8:59 am
Post subject: Sailor Moon
I LOVE SAILOR MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG IT IS LIKE THE BEST ANIME AND TV SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 3:59 pm
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I used to love anime when I was younger, but nowadays I'm very picky about what I consider good and what crap. There are so many things that I hate about anime.
For example, I hate it when the characters turn into chibi all of sudden. It's understandable in a pure humour series, but I can't stand it in series that are supposed to be serious. Take Rozen Maiden, for example. How am I supposed to take the tense and angsty main plot seriously when there is an episode in which the characters have a silly foodfight?
I also really, really dislike the humour in most anime. It's just not funny. I could go on and on, but I don't think this thread was made so that I could vent about my dislike for various anime elements.
I actually like Digimon, Pok�mon (especially the movies), and Vampire Princess Miyu. Samurai Champloo is also good. What stops me from getting into various anime fandoms is that most fans I've met are elitist idiots. I'm sick of being treated like a close-minded fool just because my favourite comics are W.I.T.C.H. and Batman, so I keep my distance.
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