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[quote="Hippsodeth"]True. Plus, he still lives under a delusion that everyone loves an extent. He knows there are those who would take the throne, but it took him overhearing, "....Kuzco would be dead by now!" to realize an emperor can get killed. XPP[/quote]
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Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 2:54 pm
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True. Plus, he still lives under a delusion that everyone loves an extent. He knows there are those who would take the throne, but it took him overhearing, "....Kuzco would be dead by now!" to realize an emperor can get killed. XPP
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:05 pm
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He's just reeeeeally naive because he's bee sheltered his whole life. He was just about struck stupid when they told him he had to do chores one time
Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 7:08 pm
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But then we wouldn't have a story.
Besides, according to Jennifer anyways, he was repeating exactly what the man told him to.
Because he's unintelligent like that.
Janette Morgan
Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:23 pm
Post subject:
At the risk of sounding stupid... makes sense to me.
Though it obviously wasn't very bright of Kuzco, making a wish like that. Should've gone with "I wish I seemed normal" or something like that.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:20 pm
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APK wrote:
Hey there Kamara. Did you happen to catch that "yzmopolis" episode? I missed it
I was just wondering if they were ever going to show it again. They've been playing every other episode except the one I wanted to see.
Noooo, I was at a party.
I was hoping someone else saw it.
This is how my younger sister summed it up, "Well, Kuzco was tired of not blending in with the villagers so he went to the Temple of some one, I forget. And this old man said to him, 'Don't just say, 'I wish I could blend in,' because then you might blend in with the trees in the woods and stuff.' " *laughs* So he said, 'I wish I was never emperor!' and Yzma ruled. And I don't feel like telling the rest."
Not helpful, I know. XPP
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 8:41 pm
Post subject:
Hey there Kamara. Did you happen to catch that "yzmopolis" episode? I missed it
I was just wondering if they were ever going to show it again. They've been playing every other episode except the one I wanted to see.
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:41 pm
Post subject: Re: Kuzco
There have always been kings and queens, who have been given
the thrown before they were old enough to be real monarchs, because their fathers died before their heirs were off age. Queen Christina, king Carl XI, king Carl XII and king Gustav IV Adolf are four examples of from Sweden. Kuzco is obviously an orphan. We don't know how or when his parents died, but they're clearly not around. So when his parents died, they had to make Kusco emperor even though he was a minor and couldn't really rule the empire yet. He must have lost his parents very early on, because I refuse to believe, that an emperor and an empress would allow their son, a prince and heir to the imperial thrown, to fail any grade, even kindergarten. Yzma was probably Kuzco's inofficial guardian, and she had no interest in how her ward was educated. And then, someone realised, that Kuzco's education had been neglected, and he had to do something about it. Good thing they realised it when he was eighteen. It would only be more and more embarressing over the years to go to graduate High School. But I've also wondered who rules the empire now. It must be an anarchy. And how can Kronk be in Kuzco's class? Didn't he already go to High School? But he might have failed. He's not excactly smart, even though he's smart sometimes.
Makes sense to me.
I also have a question for anyone that watches the show. Do you think Kuzco has any platonic sentimental feelings for Yzma who raised him, even just a smidgen? Remember that in the movie he didn't believe Yzma would ever betray him. It's a wonder that Yzma wasn't punished severely for plotting against Kuzco in the first movie, who threw a guy out the window once just for messing up his groove. He hasn't shown any sort of sentimental feelings in the series yet, although he hasn't shown an intense dislike towards her either. The characters relationships are pretty funny in the series.
Yzma is obviously the bad guy but sometimes she and and Kuzco talk with each other freely and comfortably (when they have to). Kuzco is still paranoid of Yzma and knows she's out to get him though. When you think about, they pretty much think on the same self-centered level and are able to understand each other. Yzma always still tries to plot against Kuzco, although she doesn't try to kill him anymore like in the movie. Kronk is obviously still on Yzma's side, but he's also good friends with Kuzco and Malina even though they know he works for Yzma. They just have no problem with it.
Also all makes sense to me. I know I'm just being lame saying, "I agree!" but everyone's already covered what I've wanted to say.
Yzma is by far the most interesting character to debate about in the entire show/series. Let's discuss the persona of Yzma!
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 10:13 pm
Post subject:
No one's THAT heartless .
Come to think of it, Kuzco changed his mind about making the villagers move to make his pool the very next day. He changed his mind because Pacha gave him a blanky.
I think Kuzco was annoyed by Yzma, but I don't think he really hated her, until he found out she was trying to get rid of him.
He was annoyed by her Yzma-ishness and distrubed by her...uh...beautifully challenged looks
But even when he was annoyed by her, he just fired her.
Even the way he treats Pacha from the very beginning is different from the way he treats Yzma in the beginning.
"I give the word, and your town will be destroyed. To make way for this. So, if I were you, I'd pick up some change-of-address forms on the way home."
"But-But, um, where will we live?"
"Hmm. Don't know, don't care."
�Now lately, Yzma's gotten into this bad habit of trying to run the country behind my back. And I'm thinkin' that's got to stop.� ::later::
�So, no hard feelings about being let go?
::a lot of unrelated dialogue about Kronk::
�Okay! What were we saying?�
�Uh, uh, w-we were just making a your long and healthy rule.�
�Right. So what are you gonna do? I mean, you've been around here a long time and...I really mean a long time. I mean, it might be difficult for someone of your age...adjusting to life in the private sector. Hey, Kronk, can you top me off here, pal? Now, about you finding new work, that's-that's gonna be tough....Because you're, you know...face it. You're no spring chicken, and I mean that in the best possible way.�
Even though he was equally rude to both of them.
�How could he do this to me? Why, I practically raised him.�
�Yeah, you think he would've turned out better."
" Yeah, go figure.�
�Well, it's better you're takin' out your anger on these things instead
of the real Kuzco, huh?�
�That's it, Kronk! I'll get rid of Kuzco.�
But I suppose it's all just because Kuzco is dependent on Yzma, despite the fact that he doesn't really like her.
�Okay. I have to get back to the palace. Yzma's got that �secret lab.� I'll just snap my fingers and order her to change me back.�
Oh, yeah. and you can bet I didn't write all those quotes myself. Copy and paste, baby!
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 7:05 am
Post subject:
I think Kuzco was annoyed by Yzma, but I don't think he really hated her, until he found out she was trying to get rid of him.
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 5:01 am
Post subject:
Yeah, but Kuzco is pretty oblivious to everything and thinks everyone likes him when they don't. He told the woman she hit her stride 50 years ago and then said "no hard feelings" at dinner the same day
. I can see what you're saying, though. He must have built up SOME liking for the woman. No one's THAT heartless
. Plus, I think he would have fired her or thrown her out the window if he really couldn't stand her
Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 9:36 pm
Post subject: Kuzco
Someone asked a long time ago why Kuzco was allowed to be Emperor in the movie even though he didn't go to school. Well, this question has been bugging me too but someone on imdb gave a pretty solid (and obvious) answer. Just thought I'd share it with anyone who's been bugged by it too.
There have always been kings and queens, who have been given the thrown before they were old enough to be real monarchs, because their fathers died before their heirs were off age. Queen Christina, king Carl XI, king Carl XII and king Gustav IV Adolf are four examples of from Sweden. Kuzco is obviously an orphan. We don't know how or when his parents died, but they're clearly not around. So when his parents died, they had to make Kusco emperor even though he was a minor and couldn't really rule the empire yet. He must have lost his parents very early on, because I refuse to believe, that an emperor and an empress would allow their son, a prince and heir to the imperial thrown, to fail any grade, even kindergarten. Yzma was probably Kuzco's inofficial guardian, and she had no interest in how her ward was educated. And then, someone realised, that Kuzco's education had been neglected, and he had to do something about it. Good thing they realised it when he was eighteen. It would only be more and more embarressing over the years to go to graduate High School. But I've also wondered who rules the empire now. It must be an anarchy. And how can Krunk be in Kuzco's class? Didn't he already go to High School? But he might have failed. He's not excactly smart, even though he's smart sometimes.
I also have a question for anyone that watches the show. Do you think Kuzco has any platonic sentimental feelings for Yzma who raised him, even just a smidgen? Remember that in the movie he didn't believe Yzma would ever betray him. It's a wonder that Yzma wasn't punished severely for plotting against Kuzco in the first movie, who threw a guy out the window once just for messing up his groove. He hasn't shown any sort of sentimental feelings in the series yet, although he hasn't shown an intense dislike towards her either. The characters relationships are pretty funny in the series.
Yzma is obviously the bad guy but sometimes she and and Kuzco talk with each other freely and comfortably (when they have to). Kuzco is still paranoid of Yzma and knows she's out to get him though. When you think about, they pretty much think on the same self-centered level and are able to understand each other. Yzma always still tries to plot against Kuzco, although she doesn't try to kill him anymore like in the movie. Kronk is obviously still on Yzma's side, but he's also good friends with Kuzco and Malina even though they know he works for Yzma. They just have no problem with it.
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