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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2004 12:21 am    Post subject:

I wondered if Duncan had to do with the drawing of Abu for the, that would be awesome. I have decided, the tattoo is going to be of Abu, I discussed it with some of my friends, and they thought the idea was cute, so, that's what I'm goin' with! Very Happy
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:31 pm    Post subject:

*Also bows to Will because she loves how he says "Take away his crayons!" like Gilbert, which is also the theme of my future fanart website*


I would love to see it someday.
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 1:20 pm    Post subject:

SalukFan wrote:
*Bows to Will Finn because he cracked her up on the DVD...and created the greatness that is Iago*

*Also bows to Will because she loves how he says "Take away his crayons!" like Gilbert, which is also the theme of my future fanart website*
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:08 am    Post subject:

*Bows to Will Finn because he cracked her up on the DVD...and created the greatness that is Iago*
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:21 am    Post subject:

*also bowing to Andreas Deja and hoping that he finds work that we can be proud of*
PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2004 12:02 am    Post subject:

Nez wrote:
*bows to the other animators as well*

*Bows to Glen Keane for creating Aladdin's look and for his directorial debut in a few years*

*bows to Glen for creating the man of my dreams on a sheet of paper* The wonders that can be created from a tiny lead pencil.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:54 pm    Post subject:

*bows to the other animators as well*

*Bows to Glen Keane for creating Aladdin's look and for his directorial debut in a few years*
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:47 pm    Post subject:

Madeleine wrote:
People have spelled my name; Kaylee, Kaleigh, Kayleigh, goes on. Some people look at it, and are like, "Whoa, how do you say that?" Laughing I had some Irish guy ask me what my name was and I said "Kayleigh" and I had to spell it out for him, and I was like "K-A-Y-L-E-I-G-H" He was like, "That's wack." Laughing

My friends just call me Kay, I don't mind though, it's just something I've come to answer to. By the way, whose Duncan? *is confused* Confused heh

lol, I get She-rah, Sierra, Shy-rah, Shariah, Shireha, etc. It never ends. I hear a different one each year. Most my friends all me Genie or Shi. I guess that what I get for being named after Hawkgirl Shocked

*bows to posted Abu sketch that came with gift set DVD on wall* Duncan Majoribanks is the supervising animator for Abu. He created the greatness that is Abu. *bows to the other animators as well*
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:41 pm    Post subject:

I know what you mean. My name is Shiera and I get all kinds of whacked out versions of my name. Some people got into the habit of calling me Shakira because it was closest they could get it. If they can say Shakira, why not take the 'k' out and say it like that considering that is how you say my name? *hits stupid people*

lol, the Abu drama queen would be a good one. If only you could get Duncan to draw him on you and then have the tattoo guy go over it. That would be totally raw!
*doesn't know why she just said 'raw'*

People have spelled my name; Kaylee, Kaleigh, Kayleigh, goes on. Some people look at it, and are like, "Whoa, how do you say that?" Laughing I had some Irish guy ask me what my name was and I said "Kayleigh" and I had to spell it out for him, and I was like "K-A-Y-L-E-I-G-H" He was like, "That's wack." Laughing

My friends just call me Kay, I don't mind though, it's just something I've come to answer to. By the way, whose Duncan? *is confused* Confused heh
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:25 pm    Post subject:

Madeleine wrote:
Yeah, you're right, it will hurt either way. The lamp idea does sound really awesome, it might actually get people to realize that my name is spelled "Kayleigh" not all the other warped versions. I'm not going to steal that idea from Saluk though, although it is a good one. Razz

I know what you mean. My name is Shiera and I get all kinds of whacked out versions of my name. Some people got into the habit of calling me Shakira because it was closest they could get it. If they can say Shakira, why not take the 'k' out and say it like that considering that is how you say my name? *hits stupid people*

lol, the Abu drama queen would be a good one. If only you could get Duncan to draw him on you and then have the tattoo guy go over it. That would be totally raw!
*doesn't know why she just said 'raw'*
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 11:14 pm    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie886 wrote:
I said that if I did get a tattoo, it would be more than likely be Aladdin related. I've drawn a few for myself that I actually like the idea of. I came up with two, but I don't think I can discuss either one because they are a little "out there". Very Happy I think either theme would be funny, but I have a slighty warped mind anyway. It's all part of being an artist Laughing Maybe I'll get "Aladdin" written in Arabic as a band on my arm or something. *hopes if I get married that husband can't read Arabic*

But the lamp idea would be cool. You'd probably would want something small, but the way I look at it is it's gonna hurt either way. Why not get something you really want?

Yeah, you're right, it will hurt either way. The lamp idea does sound really awesome, it might actually get people to realize that my name is spelled "Kayleigh" not all the other warped versions. I'm not going to steal that idea from Saluk though, although it is a good one. Razz

I've been thinking something like my avatar would be cool, like have Abu in that pose, and have 'drama queen' written by it, maybe on my ankle or the small of my back. For some reason I've been leaning toward Abu, and I don't know why. Maybe it's because Abu is an adorable little monkey? Confused hmm...must go ponder this one.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:57 pm    Post subject:

I said that if I did get a tattoo, it would be more than likely be Aladdin related. I've drawn a few for myself that I actually like the idea of. I came up with two, but I don't think I can discuss either one because they are a little "out there". Very Happy I think either theme would be funny, but I have a slighty warped mind anyway. It's all part of being an artist Laughing Maybe I'll get "Aladdin" written in Arabic as a band on my arm or something. *hopes if I get married that husband can't read Arabic*

But the lamp idea would be cool. You'd probably would want something small, but the way I look at it is it's gonna hurt either way. Why not get something you really want?
Princess Amber
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:44 pm    Post subject:

I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:30 pm    Post subject:

I've been considering getting Genie's lamp, with my name written in smoke ala the original film's logo. I don't know what to tell you, though, sorry.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2004 10:10 pm    Post subject: Aladdin Tattoo

I've been debating for awhile what type of tattoo to get when I turn 18, and I finally decided I wanted to get an Aladdin one. The only problem is, I don't know know what to get. I was thinking about getting Abu on my ankle, and having his tail wrap around my foot, but I think it might hurt too much. Anyone have any suggestions?

P.S. If this is in the wrong section, someone can move it.

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