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PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 11:50 am    Post subject:

Walt Disney owns the rights to the Muppets from the Muppet show, but Sony owns the home video/DVD rights to the Sesame Street Muppets with CTW, except for a few videos by WB, or at least that is what it shows on
PostPosted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 6:57 am    Post subject:

Jim Henson is love. Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:42 pm    Post subject:

I never realized how many Muppet fans we have on this board until now Laughing
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 12:06 pm    Post subject: Re: I GOT TO MEET KERMIT!!!

rn wrote:
Spartan Girl wrote:
Even though the Muppets are owned by Disney, I thought I'd post this here, just in case.

I think Sony owns the home video rights to the Sesame Street gang while the other muppets rights are owned by disney, which could be a reason why Kermit no longer appears on Sesame Street.

Actually, I thought Sesame Street was owned by the Children's Television Workshop.

But you're right that Sony does own the home video rights for the other movies that Jim Henson made, not involving the Muppets, of course. And I believe another company own the distribution rights to Fraggle Rock.

And there was a brief period where a German production company owned the rights to the Muppets and actually made new episodes of "The Muppet Show" before the Hensons bought it back.
PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 9:17 am    Post subject: Re: I GOT TO MEET KERMIT!!!

Spartan Girl wrote:
Even though the Muppets are owned by Disney, I thought I'd post this here, just in case.

I think Sony owns the home video rights to the Sesame Street gang while the other muppets rights are owned by disney, which could be a reason why Kermit no longer appears on Sesame Street.
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:40 pm    Post subject:

Knew that.

And the original Kermit was created from a coat and wasn't even a frog. He was conceived as a lizard and made his debut on the show "Sam and Friends".
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 8:11 pm    Post subject:

I remember an episode of Biography, they profiled "Sesame Street" and it took at least 2 people to do Ernie's movements, which is why you rarely see the muppets actually "walking". Most of the time the muppet's feet are off-camera or the muppet is behind something. Kermit was Jim Henson's favourite muppet because he was the lightest and easiest to carry for extended periods of time.
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 1:15 pm    Post subject:

Sweeeeeeeet! You met Steve Whitmire!!!

*Muppets and Jim Henson pwn me*
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 9:18 am    Post subject:

I love all the Muppets. Very Happy

*Hums When You're a Professional Pirate*
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:25 am    Post subject:

Oh that is badass. Laughing I love Kermit!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:18 am    Post subject: Re: I GOT TO MEET KERMIT!!!

That is AWSOME! Very Happy Puppet's = Love though kermit along with just about any other puppet (minus the sock ones Laughing ) are hard to operate. That and for TV the poor puppeteers are squashed under a table or wherever else the puppet's are required to be. Such glamerous work Laughing
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:00 pm    Post subject:

Cool! Surprised Very Happy
Spartan Girl
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:52 pm    Post subject: I GOT TO MEET KERMIT!!!

Even though the Muppets are owned by Disney, I thought I'd post this here, just in case.

This year, my college actually managed to get Kermit the frog (the REAL puppet, voice and all) to be this year's Grand Marshall for the Homecoming Parade. I write for an online newspaper called the Spartan Edge, so I asked if I could somehow get an interview with him. The head of the Spartan Edge, Bonnie, managed to get me into what I thought would be a press conference, which was today.

As it turned out, the press conference was turned out to be individual interviews for each newspaper/station that came. When me and my friend, Alex, got there however, the people in charge said that they weren't sure they'd have time to get us in.

So we waited. After a while, the woman in charge came out and informed us that the Disney people didn't want Kermit to be in a videotaped interview that would be put online. I guess I should have expected this because of their copyright laws; they were afraid that someone would take the video from our website. So she gave us the email address to submit our questions instead.

HOWEVER, she did let us in the press conference room in order to take our pictures with Kermit. So I go up first, and I see this guy with long hair and a beard (kind of like Jim Henson, but different), with the Kermit puppet! It was so weird, becuause it was the Kermit puppet that only went down to the torso.

So I said hi, and he said hello back. He sounds like Kermit does, even when he's not in character. Then, as they're preparing to take the pictures, he puts on the puppet and goes into full Kermit mode.

Because I grew up watching the Muppets and still adore them to this day, I completely spazzed. I started smiling and laughing like crazy, managing to say, "It's so nice to meet you!"

"Oh, my, you're smiling," he says. "You have a beautiful smile." I kept on laughing. I was never so excited. After the picture was taken, I told him, "I'm going to e-mail you some questions for the Spartan Edge." "Oh good!" he replied. And then I let Alex take his picture (careful enough to make sure the man behind the frog was out of sight), said thank you to the woman and charge, and I left positively glowing.

I'm still jazzed. I thought hell would freeze over before I had the chance to meet a muppet! I saw him in the parade too (he was sitting in a car, so they used the puppet with feet). I don't know if I'll get the answers to my questions when I e-mail them, but the Spartan Edge will have the pictures of me and Alex with Kermit!

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