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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:37 pm    Post subject: People never stop being dumb!

Me: "I'm going there because I got a job offer."
Other girls: "Why?"
Me: "To pay for college life.....?"
Other girls: "Why?"
(My thoughts: "Because unlike the parents of you brats, my father doesn't just hand everything over to me!")

~ Later ~

Others: "Where will your job be?"
Stupid Girl: "I thought hall monitors were in charge of the video screens."
Me: "HUH?!"

~ Later ~

Me: "I'm going to be a tour guide at this Victorian Bed & Breakfast. It's this huge British house, and I'll be in costume."
Dumb Person: "You wore that in the 1776 thing!"
Me: "That's Colonial clothes!"
Others: "Well, that's the same thing!"
(My thoughts: "No, it's not. I had no idea this was the mid-1800's.")

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