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PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:36 pm    Post subject:

Spekku wrote:
It never really bothered me that much. When Aladdin was called that early on, such as in the first movie, he was young and depressed about his life. He wanted desperately to be somebody important, so at the time it was a very derogatory comment for him.

Still, I wonder if he figured that Wahid would feel the same way he used to? Maybe he's using the "use a word a lot of times and it'll hurt less" strategy.

Hey, you icon is Mad Mod. Very Happy One of my favorite TT villians! Yay!
PostPosted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 6:56 am    Post subject:

Spekku wrote:
Aladdin has never been the brightest ... uh, light shining thingy in the kingdom anyway.

Yeah, that honor goes to Aziz Laughing

Oh and welcome by the way
PostPosted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 11:31 pm    Post subject:

It never really bothered me that much. When Aladdin was called that early on, such as in the first movie, he was young and depressed about his life. He wanted desperately to be somebody important, so at the time it was a very derogatory comment for him. As the years went on though he became more confident and less ashamed of who he is. When he called Wahid a street rat I don't think he saw it as an insult, but as more of a statement. Like calling someone who is homeless a homeless person; It isn't an insult, just a statement. But yeah, Aladdin should have remembered how being called a street rat used to hurt him and have said something nicer.

Now that I think about it I don't think calling someone a homeless person is very nice either; it's more of a label, a limit on who they are. Bah, I think we're putting way more thought into this than Aladdin did when he said it. Aladdin has never been the brightest ... uh, light shining thingy in the kingdom anyway.
Princess Lydia
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:51 pm    Post subject:

I agree it is kind of weird. But it also makes a little sense. But not much! Confused
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:31 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
Maybe it's okay for one streetrat to call another one that? (Using the "n word" as an example, again... Confused ) I remember Jasmine referring to him as a streetrat once ("a streetrat can do anything" or something to that effect), and he calls himself one all the time. But, then again, Jasmine gets equally (if not more) mad when she's called "princess", so maybe it's more about being labelled than about the word itself? (I'm so far out on a limb here...)

Thank-you for saying what I wanted to say. I have been sitting here thinking for a while on how I wanted to say this and you did it perfectly. Very Happy

But yeah, I just think that somewhere down the line he came to realize that he isn't really a "street rat" per se because deep down that's not what he is. It's a part of him, but he is more than that. He can't ignore it and he certainly can't run from it. It's more like a stigma to me.

It doesn't seem to bother him that much when Jafar or Rasoul call him a streetrat. He even laughs when Rasoul calls him one in "DOF" towards the end and says "You are never going to call me your highness." Then again, that whole ep was buddy buddy and they went back to square one later on, so ignore that last comment if you like Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:26 pm    Post subject:


Now, isn't "street rat" supposed to be a derogatory term? Judging by how Aladdin (and others, including Cassim) seem to hiss or spit it when they usually say it, I'd think it was somewhere slightly below n***er. I can't imagine Aladdin being that rude to anyone, especially someone that was so much like himself as a child.

Perhaps Aladdin sees the term as only derogatory to himself, as he thought he was better than the streets and deserved luxury? And with Wahid, he's just a kid who... doesn't.... oh, hell, I don't know. I can't justify the line.

It's always bugged me too.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 8:38 pm    Post subject:

Maybe it's okay for one streetrat to call another one that? (Using the "n word" as an example, again... Confused ) I remember Jasmine referring to him as a streetrat once ("a streetrat can do anything" or something to that effect), and he calls himself one all the time. But, then again, Jasmine gets equally (if not more) mad when she's called "princess", so maybe it's more about being labelled than about the word itself? (I'm so far out on a limb here...)

Anyway, I agree it sounds like an insult the way he said it to Waheed, though. But Waheed did just run into him, so I guess he was kind of pissed. Confused
Princess Amber
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:44 pm    Post subject:

It was one of those "you would know" moments. Not to insult Al though. Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:41 pm    Post subject:

That bugged me, too. I think Aladdin least of all would be the one to use that term!
Princess Amber
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:34 pm    Post subject:

That's very true. What had Wahid done to him to be called a streetrat. (If that is where you're going with this. Embarassed ) Even though he kinda was one.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:31 pm    Post subject: Riff-Raff, Street Rat... I don't buy that.

This has bothered me for a while. In the beginning of the episode "The Lost Ones", when Aladdin first meets up with Wahid, Aladdin refers to him as "Street Rat".

Now, isn't "street rat" supposed to be a derogatory term? Judging by how Aladdin (and others, including Cassim) seem to hiss or spit it when they usually say it, I'd think it was somewhere slightly below n***er. I can't imagine Aladdin being that rude to anyone, especially someone that was so much like himself as a child.

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