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Miss Manday
PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:14 am    Post subject:

I do watch this show...its very amusing, and I usually have my tv running in the background just to keep me entertained while I'm doing stuff on the computer. Usually, this is the show I watch. Haha.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:36 am    Post subject:

There's a Mark and Bob interview where their explaination for the canon timeline is "eh, they'll probably go back to the zoo eventually, right?"

I don't think the show is canon crazy. Laughing
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:11 am    Post subject:

Well, you certainly know how to pique my interest. Laughing

My Madagascar 2 just came in the mail, so I'm going to see that first so I don't spoil myself. I see they've got full episodes on the Nickelodeon website...
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 6:00 am    Post subject:

I was amazed that this show really didn't suck. I kinda expected it to. Laughing
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 12:06 am    Post subject:

Me and Nickelodeon have a bad history, so I haven't watched anything of theirs in a while, but I'll try to remember to check this out Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 8:27 pm    Post subject:

Ok, so I seem to be the only one watching, but I'm making this comment anyway. Laughing

The more I see these four penguins, the more I want to put the palace guards in their roles. It's definitely not perfect matches, but I can totally see some fun little parallels. (I've only seen about five full episodes, so don't judge me if these fall though in the (eventual) 47 other episodes I've yet to see Laughing)

Skipper, the leader of the four, takes his job super seriously (in an over-the-top way). He's prone to jumping into situations without thinking but with incredible bravado. There's also an episode (the pilot, I'm pretty sure) where Skipper is accused of an inability to handle "fun". Laughing Skipper also feuds with Julian, the dance-loving, lemur king that annoys the crap out of him. I'm watching an episode now and Skipper has this bit of conversation:

Skipper: They're watching us! Evasive maneuvers!
(All four penguins do these over the top action poses and flips and stuff)
Kowalski: ... they're still watching!
Skipper: Impossible! We used evasive maneuvers!

I can imagine Rasoul saying something to that extent. Laughing

The same episode totally makes a Fazal/Private connection. Private is a newbie, who Skipper has sort of taken under his wing. He's sweet and sensitive and is pretty much the "cute" one. In this episode, he accidently becomes famous when his desire for fish leads to a mishap and he becomes an viral video sensation. He decides to take advantage of this because, hey, he gets a ton of free fish! Laughing He's also seems to be a bit of a germaphobe and someone who wants to follow traditional rules.

I need more to really back this up, but I have a finally that material is going to come. Laughing

I'm also linking Nahbi/Rico, pretty much because of Rico's role as the "silent" one. Skipper just hits him in the stomach and he regurgitates whatever Skipper needs in a moment. Weapons, radios, accessories, whatever. Laughing Rico is pretty violent and is definitely the toughest of the four. He also seems to have a Barbie doll girlfriend. Laughing

That leaves Hakim/Kowalski... which I'm not too sure of, since I haven't seen much of Kowalski yet. He's the somewhat illogical "brains" of the group. He's deadpan at times and seems to be most "in tune" with Skipper. Again, this one is probably BS, at least, at the moment. Laughing

So, guys, watch this show and see if you too can come up with this BS parallels. Laughing
PostPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:13 am    Post subject:

I think this show is part of the reason they left Disney. I'd have to dig up the article I read about it once...

They're the executive producers.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:10 pm    Post subject:

I haven't seen it yet, but people keep telling me I should. I didn't know Mark & Bob work on it... Shocked
PostPosted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:01 am    Post subject: The Penguins of Madagascar

Is anybody else watching this show?

I'm not really a Madagascar fan (I saw it once and thought it was decent), but I decided to watch this show because 1) I had the Kid's Choice Awards on anyway and 2) It's a Mark McCorkle/Bob Schooley show and they're obviously awesome.

I think I'm addicted. I love ridiculous humor and this show is pretty much that. Skipper just kicks ass. I love him. There's also a bit of an "awww" factor-- Private is adorable in the episode where the penguins take care of an egg. The other penguins are putting this egg through drills, stunts, and scientific studies, whereas Private is all "DDDDDDDDD: HE NEEDS LOVE!!!!!" the entire time. Laughing

King Julian and his lemur subjects are back too and I'm stunned that they don't annoy the crap out of me. Laughing I've noticed some minor actor!gate (Sasha Baron Cohen didn't return as Julian), but I'm not enough of a Madagascar fan to be able to tell the difference. I've had one of Julian's bit of dialogue in my head for days (because they keep showing this episode over and over again):

[Random fact: the episode I'm about to quote was written by Bill Motz and Bob Roth. I'm predisposed to loving this series. Laughing]

*Julian makes his followers dance*
Julian: You must take the music inside of you, swish it around, and spit it out through your tail! Try it with me, take in the music!
[Skipper steals the batteries from Julian's stereo; the music stops]
Julian: Not all the music, you greedies!

If anyone's interested, you can watch some clips and full episodes here:

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