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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:59 pm    Post subject:

Ch. 1 part 2 - The Destiny Stone
Six years passed since the event. Besides the princess now having a full-grown Bengal Tiger as a housecat, life in Agrabah was the same. In the middle of the market place, a stage was erected. A group of people stood near, watching. A small band of entertainers had just come to Agrabah. Aziz was their master of mystical arts. At least, that's what he told he told everybody. Fatima was the band's acrobat. And Minos was their leader. But their real money maker was a clever little monkey named Abu.

“Many thanks! Your applause is our greatest reward.” said Minos, after he and Fatima finished their act. The crowd complimented them.

“She's as beautiful as a dove.”

“And quick as a hawk.”

“He is as strong as a bull!”

Fatima announced, “Now watch as Aziz shares with you more of his mystic power.”

From backstage, Minos and Fatima saw Abu return to their quarters, carrying a pouch. “Gimme that loot!” Minos shouted as he took the pouch from the little monkey. “Well, Abu, it's about time you pulled your weight around here.” He gave Abu a small earing, Fatima was disgusted as hit was a brass one without a match, and that it would make her ears green. Minos sent Abu out to get more gold from the audience.

“For years I trained with the monks of Ghanistan to perform this feat. Silence, please.” announced Aziz, now bound from head to toe in chains. Aladdin, now an adult, was there watching the troupe perform, suddenly he felt something on his back.

“Hey, that's mine you little thief!” It was Abu. He began to chase him. Aladdin finally caught Abu, but then the two were beat by a woman.

“The monkey and that scrawny kid scared away our audience.” Minos grumbled.

“Ah, but look at the boy. He's fast enough to keep up with Abu.” noted Fatima.

“Hands off my money, monkey.” shouted Aladdin at Abu.

“Hands off my monkey, beggar! Or you won't have any hands to beg with. Well, let's see what you're hauling, street rat… A single coin? All that bedlam for this? I don't know which one of you is dumber.”

“It's all I have and I want it back, you big ox!”

Minos and Aladdin began arguing, until Aladdin backed away with a now larger wallet. Minos chased him, knowing that the wallet was his to begin with. The rest of the troupe were so impressed with Aladdin’s agility that they inducted him into the troupe. All Abu and Aladdin had to do was work the crowd. Aladdin and Abu stole a woman's necklace and gold, then a man's feather. Aladdin approached another man, stealing his money; the man grabbed his shoulder.

“Boy, isn't this exciting? Look at them! Have you ever seen such a feat?”

“Nope, can’t say I have…”

“They are wonders! Never have I seen such masterful entertainers.”

At the end of the day the troupe had amassed a large amount of gold.

“Naturally, as an apprentice, your share of the take is less. Once you're made a full member, you'll get a fair share.” said Minos.

“Hey, this is still more money than I've ever had. I'm happy.”

“And you should be, you sly devil. You did an excellent job,” applauded Fatima.

Minos agreed ,“Indeed, twice the job that miserable little monkey ever did,”

“And without the odor!” shouted Aziz.

Aladdin and Abu then took a walk through the marketplace, so as to show the little monkey what to do with money. They stopped at a turban vendor, “I would like to buy your finest hat.”

“A finely crafted turban even the Sultan would be proud to wear,” the vendor pulled out an expensive white turban with a small fez on top. Aladdin bought it for Abu… only for it to fall over his upper body. Aladdin decided to rectify the situation by unravelling it, leaving Abu with a small two-tone fez to match his small vest.

While walking back to the stage, Aladdin and Abu heard a man talking to his family. They peeked inside his window; it was the same man they robbed earlier in the marketplace. “We have no money for food. I was robbed in the marketplace. How will we survive?”

The man’s wife tried to reassure him, “It'll be alright. We'll get by.”

“But it's gone, all of it. Every last dinar we had! Gone!” he broke into tears. Aladdin and Abu were ashamed of what they did. Rather than spend the money on food, Aladdin dropped the wallet off at the man’s stoop and knocked on the door. The man and woman saw the wallet and thanked the Lord for his kindness.

“I've never taken more than I needed. Today, we were hurting people, Abu. Well, I'm not doing it again. And if Minos has a problem with that, then it's him against me.”

Aladdin went backstage to talk to his employers about the wrongdoings that they had done. “You're right,” agreed Minos.

“I am?”

“Ah, I tire of this life as well. It's time we went after a bigger prize. Do you know of the Destiny Stone?”


Fatima went up to Aladdin, “Legend says it is the stone that rewards those who reach it. Rewards them handsomely.”

“Some say the Stone is as big as a man.”

“A gem that would rival a Sultan's fortune.”

“But reaching the Stone is the trouble.. We can't do it without you.”

“Sorry. Look, I'm through with stealing.”

“It's not stealing! It's a...uh....” Minos was stuck on what to say. An idea hit Fatima, “Uh, uh...a treasure hunt!”

“The stone is there for the grabbing.”

“You're the only one fast enough. We need you. I need you,” Fatima said seductively. Aladdin wasn’t too sure about it, but one kiss from Fatima convinced him otherwise.
The next morning, they journeyed to the Temple of Destiny. To keep out the unworthy, the Temple was full of deadly traps. That's why they needed Aladdin’s speed. Minos pushed Aladdin ahead of the rest. “It's your show now, boy. You're the only one who's fast enough to enter the Temple.” Fatima told him that he needed to push the sphere on the far end of the hall.

“Push the sphere. Right,” he thought. He looked around. What sphere? He took a few steps forward. Nothing happened. “Hey, are you sure—“ Before he could finish his sentence, a tin knight beside him lowered a mace toward Aladdin's head; he noticed it just in time to dodge. Traps set off all around Aladdin, including more maces, objects smashing together and an open pit; Aladdin reached the end of the hallway and saw the sphere on the door. He pushed the sphere, but was unable to get it in the whole way; he heard a noise behind him. A giant spiked ball rolled down the temple hall; Aladdin pushed the sphere harder, causing it to slide in before the ball hit him; a hole opened in the floor and the ball fell in. “Hey, it's okay. I made it! I'm okay!”

Aziz was impressed with this feat. “Well, I'll be a rabid jackal. He did it!”

“Well done, boy. And now, the Destiny Stone is ours.”

A guardian was in the room with a giant emerald-cut ruby—the Destiny Stone.

“You have proven worthy. I am the Guardian. You may now approach the Stone and embrace your destiny.”

“I'll embrace more than my destiny. I'll embrace the Stone.” The guardian warned against it, only for Aziz to breath fire on him. Minos was about to punch him when Aladdin jumped in his way.

“No! I won't let you hurt him.”
“You made a big mistake, boy.” threatened Minos, grabbing Aladdin. Abu bit the man’s ankle, causing him to drop Aladdin.


Fatima tackled Aladdin, but he shoved her off of him with an axe handle. Despite his best efforts against his treacherous team, he was overpowered.

“I won't let you take the Stone. It's wrong!”

“Sorry, big boy, but you’re in not position to stop us.”

“This moment has been a long time coming.”

Minos picked the stone up from off the pedestal, it began to glow a bright red light. A hurricane formed in the temple, sucking in all three thieves. After all was said and done, the chamber of the Destiny Stone was back to the way it was. The guardian stood up and patted Aladdin on the shoulder. “I told them, the Stone cannot be stolen. We cannot change the Stone's place in the world, but it can change ours.”

It was a long hike back to Agrabah, but Aladdin and his new pet monkey returned to his hovel.

“Well, I guess this is it, Abu, we go our separate ways. Too bad... we work pretty well together. A real team… but I suppose we could stick together as... friends.” The two walked off to the slums, in search of a roof to have over their heads. Abu was crying happily, he had never been treated so kindly before in his life. Aladdin sang a little song to the monkey to lift his spirits.

"Hey, gonna make you proud someday
Gonna do great things you'll see
Yeah, it's in the hands of fate now
Just wait now
We've got this destiny

My friend, you can count on me
We won't just get by
Hang on tight
And we'll have adventures
Diamonds and pearls
We'll rescue damsels
Did I mention girls?
And then, I'll pick a star from the sky
And all of our dreams will come true one-two-three
You can count on me

You can always count on me
'Cause I got dreams and plans
So stick with me
And there will be riches
And magical places
A private oasis
Out there in the sands

Till then
You keep on smiling through
And we'll get by
On what's out there for free
Troubles may appear
But turn and I'll be here
You can count on me
'Cause I'll make you proud someday
'Cause I've got this destiny
And I know that I'll make good now
I should now
You can count on me
PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 9:57 pm    Post subject: Fanfic: The Novelization

This is just a little something I have been working on since last July: A series-wide novelization of Aladdin (with some changes here and there to keep the flow consistent and to make even better sense than what was originally given)

Ch. 1 Part 1 - Prelude
A long time ago, in the sands of distant Arabia, there stood a great enclave in the midst of the desert. According to nomads who passed this point, it was said that the enclave was once ruled by the fire demon Amok Mon Ra. That was the rumor until a caravan of nomads arrived. Their leader was a merchant named Hamed. His band’s quest to find a home lead to stories reaching all across the Seven Deserts. It was on that day that he met a group at the enclave.

“Whoa!” said Hamed, stopping the caravan. The small group’s leader walked up to him. “Uh, excuse me... Hamed?”

“Yes. How do you know me?”

“You're famous!”

“Oh, yes, well, I suppose our quest has become legendary. We have searched many years for someplace that we might call home. Sometimes I fear our quest will never end.”

The small group’s largest member made a suggestion, “If you settled here you'd be home right now!”

The leader’s wife agreed, “The city you build here will be glorious!”
At first the idea of a city being built here was ridiculous, that is until the caravan’s tent maker, Abnor Mal, sprang a leak while pounding in their tents’ steaks. Hamed made a proclamation after his tent maker’s accident.

“In this place there will be a city more wonderful, more magnificent, than any other on Earth. It will be called Agrabah, and it shall be our home.” Out of frustration of no longer having to make tents, Abnor left the caravan and left for the temple of the tiger god, seeking refuge from the harsh conditions of the desert.
Centuries passed since Hamed settled Agrabah. In that time, it grew from a humble village to a magnificent kingdom ruled by the good Sultan Bobolonius, named after his wise and kind grandfather. The Sultan was soon to be wed to his eventual sultana and thought it necessary to find a beautiful flower to give his bride. A fortune teller told him of a magnificent garden north of Agrabah. He found such a garden, which looked more like a palace, like the one he lived in.


In the palatial garden he found many beautiful works of floral art. Among them were a beautiful harp made of vines, its strings were all perfectly tuned. Then he saw it: a beautiful red flower. “Lovely…” he noted.

The sultan pulled the flower from its spot, which was followed by a shrill shrieking noise.

“Who trespasses in my garden? My masterpiece?” rumbled a deep booming voice. A large treant appeared. This was the lord of the garden, Arbutus. The sultan drew his sword, only for it to be snatched away by vines.

“You are a fool! Your sword may sever every limb, but my power will always bloom!” exclaimed Arbutus as he grabbed the Sultan in his massive hand. “I’m sorry! I just wanted to bring a flower to my new bride!”

“No one shall defile the art of Arbutus and live!”

“Release me and you shall be greatly rewarded!”

”Your reward means nothing to me.”

“You have my word! My most precious treasure will be yours!”

Arbutus was now in thought, stroking his beard made of willow leaves. “Yes… Perhaps one day your kingdom could enhance mine... an addition to my garden's beauty.” He put the sultan down, now frightened.

“Oh, indeed. Agrabah is rich with wonderful treasure.”

“Hear me! In twenty summers I shall come for your most precious treasure!”

Seven years past since the Sultan married. In that time his brown beard turned grey and grew longer. But more importantly he was now a widowed father. Yes, the sultana gave birth to a lovely daughter, Jasmine. Unfortunately, the sultana passed away within months of her daughter’s birth. The problem was Jasmine herself. Having no mother-figure to raise her, she was slightly spoiled.


“Yes, Jasmine?”

“As a princess, what will I be able to do?”

“Oh many things. You can be an inspiration to all of Agrabah and the Seven Deserts combined. You can do anything you want.”

“Well when I grow up I might run things my way:

Call me a princess, I don't care
Call me obsessed with nails and hair
Only concerned with what to wear

Shallow and so blasé
Go ahead, call me ‘royal pain’
I'm unimpressed with your disdain
Let me repeat one sweet refrain
Princesses get their way

Other girls cook, but that's not relaxing
Princesses make reservations
Life's much too short and Lord, it's so taxing
Ruling these darn Third World nations

Some say that when I nag a whine
Nobody's voice is as shrill as mine
Daddy thinks that I sound just fine
He's in my royal sway

Other girls study, why do they bother?
I study how to grease up my father
Fathers were born to pay
And princesses get their way

Call me a princess, I don't mind
Selfish disgrace to womankind
People need hobbies - I unwind
Watching how much I weigh

Other girls work for law degrees
Some scrub the floor on hands and knees
I'd rather have a facial, please
Slather her face in clay

Soon I'll get married - what could be sweeter?
To some Salim or Abdullah
Whoever he is, the two things he'll need are
Earplugs and plenty of moola

Princesses write a check - it clears
That's 'cause they spend those wonder years
Running to Dad and faking tears
Training him to obey

Fresh outta cash? No problem, I drop a
Snit and go running straight to my papa
Then everything's okay
Princesses get their way
Believe it
Princesses get their way

“Jasmine, you don’t understand. There's more to being princess than getting your way all the time.”

“There's more?”

“Everything you see exists together, in a delicate balance. As a princess, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the cultures—from Quirkistan to Odiferous. For everything the light touches is our kingdom.”

Jasmine saw way out into the distance from the great balcony a shadowy part of the desert. “What about that shadowy place?”

“That is the Land of the Black Sand. It is ruled by an evil sorcerer, Destane.”

The doors behind them opened and in came Jafar, the Sultan’s Grand Vizier. “Princess, it’s time for your history lesson.”

In another part of Agrabah, a young couple were blessed by God with a son, just two years after the sultan returned from Arbutus’ garden. Knowing that the baby would put the family into the poorhouse, the father, a carpet merchant named Cassim, left to find riches to support his family. Weeks turned into months and months turned into years. Unfortunately, the mother did not live to see her husband return from his journey. She passed away when their son, Aladdin, was five. Cassim returned home one night after finding treasure in the Temple of the Tiger God, having recovered it from a thief named Nor Mal. But to his dismay he did not find his wife or Aladdin. At that moment, he would have traded anything to get his wife back. This cry of pain was met by a band of thieves, led by the marauding Abu Hassan. Cassim and Hassan did battle, upon which Cassim came out the victor and was made the King of the Forty Thieves.

In the meantime, Aladdin had made friends with another street-rat named Amal. Amal was a kind lad of 11, just one one year older than Aladdin. It occurred on the day of a full-moon that Amal pressured Aladdin into stealing money. They evaded the guards before arriving at an old well.

“Hurry up, slowpoke! I’ve seen sand worms move faster than you, Aladdin!” Aladdin arrived panting “I don’t think we should have stolen that.”

Amal mocked him, “Like you’ve never stolen anything before.”

“I only steal food! To eat!”

Amal stood on top of a wall and gloated. “Oh, big difference. Listen, I’m not gonna be a street rat forever, like you. Someday, I’m gonna make something of myself!”

Aladdin sighed “I won’t be a street rat forever. But I’m not going to make something of myself by doing bad things, Amal.” His friend was nowhere to be seen. In his worry, Aladdin saw a dark figure jump into the well. What was that thing?!

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