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PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:45 pm    Post subject:

Back up whatever is on your ipad to either the cloud/some kind of online storage space you can download at any time, some external harddrive, burn the music to discs, or just don't use itunes at all on your computer.

I had an ipod and suffered through itunes for about a year before I started using another music program (windows media player).
Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:48 am    Post subject: Transfering stuff from an old iPad to a new laptop

So last year, I got a new laptop, and my iPad, which I bought back in 2015, has at least 50+ GB worth of music, and if I hook it up to the laptop to try and add anything to it, it is going to erase what I already have on there and replace it with whatever is in the iTunes directory of the current computer. What should I do? Any help?

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