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Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:52 am    Post subject:

Meesh wrote:
The idea that denouncing racism and hate crimes could be "political" is asinine. But I agree with your sentiment that people who are more concerned with gaming than human rights is detestable.

I think people like that are part of the problem.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:21 am    Post subject:

The idea that denouncing racism and hate crimes could be "political" is asinine. But I agree with your sentiment that people who are more concerned with gaming than human rights is detestable.
Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:58 am    Post subject: Capcom under fire for supporting BLM

Capcom recently posted a statement denouncing racism and hate crimes in the wake of George Floyd's murder, and already there are narrow minded, careless idiots telling them not to shove this 'peace and unity crap' down their throat and just stick to making games. Well, as the resident Capcom expert of this forum, I can gladly tell you that there have been several Capcom games over the years with political elements to them. Some examples include, but aren't limited to:

1942 & 1943: Both games are based on actual historic events involving a war that the US of A was involved in.

Bionic Commando: Plot involves a former nazi general trying to resurrect Adolf Hitler as a means to try and conquer the world.

Final Fight: Plot involves an evil gang kidnapping the daughter of a politician as a means to have their way with him and do whatever they wish and wreak all kinds of violence and destruction.

That's political enough for me. There's also the fact that Capcom made the Super Nintendo version of Aladdin, which also has political elements with Jafar wanting to become sultan and rule Agrabah. So clearly, these people do not know Capcom as well as they thought they did. And I am glad they aren't supporting this kind of hatred and trying to promote the so called 'peace and unity crap'.

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