Sinister Cutlass Streetrat

Joined: 27 Apr 2015 Posts: 40
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:00 pm Post subject: I had this weird dream with Genie and Doctor Who in it |
The following is an instant messaging conversation between me (SC) and my friend "M", regarding said dream:
SC: You wanna hear about my crazy dream?
M: Sure! What was it about?
SC: OK. It was really vivid. I was in this city... maybe Berlin. I don't think it was a real city, but that's the closest comparison I can think of.
The city was being destroyed by two T-Rex stomping about the place.
I was there, and my Mom was there, and there was this sort of chubby man in an olive-green sweater who was somewhat bald and rather filled with fear about the goings-on.
There were other people, but those two were the ones in focus in my mind. We were in a house, hiding from the T-Rex.
Wait, no, we weren't in the house yet.
I remember being in this large civic square, and at two opposite ends of the square were two city buildings with large clock faces on them. The T-Rex each had, for some reason, got their jaws wedged between the hour and minute hands.
They were stuck and trying to get free.
M: This really is quite vivid. Even for me.
SC: We were safe for the time being.
But that wasn't the half of it.
So, here's the first crazy part.
Here's where you see what a Disney animation geek I am.
The genie from Aladdin was there.
M: *rubs hands together with glee*
SC: Big blue guy, he was making it snow and the winter to come down.
Reptiles slow down in the cold.
They eventually die in the cold, but genies can't kill.
So it was only a temporary fix.
M: Nice! Attention to detail...
SC: We had to come up with another solution.
We hid in the townhouse.
We racked our brains about what to do, what do do.
Before we could figure out what to do, the T-Rex pair had escaped, and they were stomping about again, and one of them stepped in on our townhouse, and we scattered and got separated.
I hid somewhere, maybe in the cellar, all alone.
M: Agh
SC: I was OK after a while. Then I came out, and the T-Rex was gone, but so was my Mom and the other guy and everybody else. Everyone but the genie. He had hid in the house as well.
Suddenly, it was coming to me what to do. There was only one person who could help us... we need to call the Doctor. Cue awesome theme song:
It just got even better
Yes. So here's how it went down.
I told the genie he needed to broadcast a message to the whole world so we could get in touch with the Doctor.
He set off to do that.
Pretty soon, the TARDIS landed in front of me in the wrecked house, and I dashed in, into the arms of David Tennant Doctor.
SC: (In this dream, we are best buds)
(Actually, when it comes to David Tennant Doctor, I actually have several itchy problems with the way he was written, but damn was he charming and charismatic and cute)
Anyway, so I collapse in the jump seat and tell him about the whole situation.
We were actually inside a movie...
M: !!!
SC: The finale to the over-extended, over-wrought Land Before Time series. In live-action!
The man in the green sweater is Spike, the stegosaurus, in human form!
SC: The T-Rex did not make the transition to human form.
Unfortunately for us.
M: Oh.
SC: What we had to do was find my mom and Spike and the rest of our crew.
I tried calling my Mom on my cell phone, but she wouldn't answer. Probably she and the rest were hiding from the T-Rex and didn't want to make a sound.
I turned to the Doctor and asked him if there was a way for the TARDIS to use the group's bio-signals to track them.
M: !!!
SC: He told me we would need some DNA from the group, so I had to go back to the townhouse and pick up something my Mom had touched.
I groaned, but the TARDIS returned, and I stepped out the door, but the T-Rex was there!
So I ran back inside and slammed the door. We had to make do without.
It's here where the details get a bit fudgy.
M: It seems like the situation gets dicey, too @_@
SC: The Doctor maneuvered the TARDIS away from the townhouse, and he suggested I text my Mom instead. Because then the phone would make less noise. I told them to text their location, and they did. We were off.
The TARDIS found the group, and we were able to rescue them in time, luckily.
Unfortunately, the details are fading, and I don't remember what happened after this, but I think everything was OK, or I just woke up.
I think this dream can be chalked up to the fact that I accidently drank something with milk in it yesterday, and I don't usually do that. Usually, my weird dreams tend to come on after I've ingested something unusual.
M: I wonder what municipal authorities made of the T-Rex.
That sounds like an amazing dream. Exhilarating.
SC: My dream didn't feature the municipal authorities, unfortunately But I do enjoy meeting up with the Doctor in my dreams  |