Some Enchanted Genie
Story Editor: Duane Capizzi
Written by: Marlowe Weisman and Brian Swenlin
© Disney 1994
Transcript by Shiera
and Calluna
Screencaps by Calluna
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• Text-only transcript
(Setting: the desert)
(Abis Mal and Haroud, on horses, ride to the top of a sand dune
and stop. Abis Mal pulls Genie's lamp out of his sash.)
Abis Mal: Ha ha ha! How's that for stealth, Haroud? Snatched it
right out from under Aladdin's nose.
Haroud: A most nimble feat, sir. And to think he would still be
sleeping, had you not stepped on the monkey.
(Haroud gestures toward the horizon, where you can see a glowing
light moving over the dunes approaching them and hear a sound like
a train whistle.)
Abis Mal: Eh, you're just jealous because I get to have wishes.
(Abis Mal rides away, toward a town on the sea in the distance,
and Haroud follows him.)
(The light and train noise come closer. We see that it is Genie
in the form of a flat railroad car, being powered by Aladdin and
Abu. Genie zaps tracks into existence in front of him.)
Genie: When will Abis Mal get a clue? I'm a free genie. I don't
do wishes anymore.
(They come to a canyon; Genie creates a bridge for them to go over.)
Genie: Oh, the nerve of that guy, stealing my lamp.
Aladdin: Yeah, and he stepped on Abu!
(Abu chatters angrily)
Genie: Lamp stealer! Monkey masher! (stops making tracks) When I
get my mitts on him, pow!
Aladdin: Genie, the tracks!
(The tracks end at the top of a dune. The three go off the edge
and hang in the air for a moment.)
Genie: Oopsie. (They fall)
(Setting: in the seaside town, the next morning)
(Aladdin and Abu are wandering the streets.)
Aladdin: (sighs) No sign of Abis Mal.
(Genie hops up to them inside an old shoe.)
Genie: Nothing here either, Al.
Aladdin: Genie, why are you in a shoe?
Genie: Oh, I know it's not much, but it's a roof over my head.
(Abu smells the shoe, then plugs his nose and runs away.)
(Genie pulls himself — with great difficulty — out
of the shoe.)
Genie: Ooh! I may not be a slave of the lamp anymore, but that
lamp's my home! (The top of his head turns into a light bulb.) Hey!
When Abis Mal rubs my lamp—
(Genie rubs the shoe, then makes an old fashioned doorbell appear
in front of Aladdin; Aladdin pulls it, and it makes a loud ringing
sound. Aladdin and Abu fall down, covering their ears.)
Genie: —it'll be like ringing my doorbell!
Aladdin: Then you'll know right where to find him!
(Genie snaps his fingers and nods. Then he puts his hand to his
ear, listening, but he hears nothing.)
Genie: (worried) Why isn't he rubbing my lamp?
(Setting: under the docks in the same town)
Abis Mal: Uh, oho, the Sunken Treasure of Cor d'Mere... No, no,
wait... Um, ooh, the Floating Treasure of Cali-For-Ny-Ay! Or, or,
or... Oh, my head! There's so many choices!
Haroud: (annoyed) Oh, why don't you just wish yourself a new hat
and be done with it?
Abis Mal: Ah! New hat! (starts rubbing the lamp) Come on, baby!
(Haroud claps his hand over his eyes.)
(Setting: the streets)
(Genie is looking inside the shoe.)
Genie: Yep, some wallpaper, a little lava lamp in the corner...
cozy the shoe right up. (hears Abis Mal rubbing his lamp) Hey, Mal's
(Aladdin is about to say something, but Genie zaps him into tourist
clothes and gives him a deck chair, and turns Abu into a waiter
with a drink tray.)
Genie: And if you need anything, Abu will be your waiter. I'm gonna
get me a lamp!
Aladdin: Genie, wait!
(Genie flies off towards the docks, then stops and his head turns
into a radar screen.)
Genie: Ooh! My genie senses are tingling. (turns his eyes into
binoculars) Nothing. (looks at a boat) Nothing. (looks at a little
girl releasing a cloud of green smoke from a bottle) Genie of the
bottle. (looks at a rooftop) Nothing. (turns back to the little
girl with the bottle, and his eyes pop out of the ends of the binoculars)
Genie of the bottle?!
(A green female genie has come out of the bottle.)
Genie of the bottle: Whoa, what year is this? (turns into a prospector
with a mule) Tell me I didn't miss the gold rush of '49? (turns
into a can-can dancer dancing on top of a player piano, with a French
accent) Ooh, I just love to can-can!
Girl: You're a genie?
Genie of the bottle: Mm, two thousand years in that bottle, I'd
better be a genie. Two thousand years! (creates a hand mirror and
looks at herself) I must look a mess!
Genie: She's beautiful!
(The genie of the bottle takes a compact and powders her face until
she's hidden in a cloud of makeup; we can see arms sticking out
holding first a brush, hairdryer, spray deodorant, and a curling
iron, then a saw, drill, and hammer, and finally a bomb, which explodes,
clearing away the cloud to show the female genie applying lipstick.)
Genie of the bottle: Ooh, mm, there. Much better. (fluffs her hair,
and her teeth sparkle) Ooh, I'm glad to see your face. There's no
life in the bottle. (pours a pair of earrings out of her bottle
and puts them on)
Genie: Ooh, she's lonely... (waggles his eyebrows)
Genie of the bottle: Ready! Take me to the nearest casbah! (starts
to drag the little girl away, then stops) Ooh! So excited I almost
forgot! (turns into a queen) The formalities.
Genie: She's one hundred percent genie! (turns into a wolf) Rrowr!
Genie of the bottle: (gives herself two extra heads) How many heads
you see?
Girl: Three?
Genie of the bottle: That's how many wishes you get! Not one (one
head disappears), not two (another head disappears), three! You're
not the murdering type, are ya? Ya know. Rubbing someone out? (creates
a giant pencil which erases her) Mowing 'em down? (a lawnmower runs
over the eraser pieces, then the erasings turn into the female genie
in the form of a frog) Making 'em croak? (croaks, then turns back
to normal)
Girl: Well... no.
Genie of the bottle: Good answer! Because I can't kill anyone,
so don't ask. Hang on to this. (hands her bottle to the girl) If
you ever need me, all you have to do is rub. Now, any questions?
Genie: Ooh! Ask if she has a boyfriend! Ask if she has a boyfriend!
Girl: What's your name?
Genie: (claps his hand over his eyes) Ugh! No, wait, names are
good. Names count.
Genie of the bottle: Personal, eh? Well, I like that in a master.
I'm Eden.
(Genie floats in the air on a heart-shaped cloud; there is the
sound of chirping birds.)
Eden: (shakes the girl's hand) Pleased to meet you, Master.
Girl: My friends call me Dhandi.
Eden: So, Dhandi, any wishes you're itching to make? Dress weaved
of gold? Treasure of a thousand kings?
Dhandi: How about... something to eat! A little sandwich?
Eden: Dhandi, please! Phenomenal, cosmic powers! So think big,
Dhandi: (thinks for a moment) A really big sandwich?
Eden: I'll have to bend the rules just this once. Kid, repeat after
me: I wish to never go hungry again for the rest of my life.
Dhandi: I wish to never go hungry again for the rest of my life.
Eden: (turns her tail into a giant gavel and hits the ground) Sold!
(changes into a chef's outfit) Food I can do. I'm the hostess of
the mostest! Queen of the kitchen. Princess of the palate! (creates
a table and offers Dhandi a tray of sandwiches; the girl takes one
and starts eating it) I'm glad we understand each other, kid. I
can tell we're going to be good friends. You and me, me and you.
Genie: (sticks his head over Dhandi's shoulder) What'cha doin'?
Dhandi: Wow! Another genie!
(Eden drops a stove on Genie.)
Eden: Where? (changes into a flamenco dancer outfit, takes a pan
off the stove and puts it on the table) So, you've got to try my
fajitas! A south-of-the-border thing.
(Eden lifts the lid on the pan and Genie pops halfway out.)
Genie: How about that! I'm a genie!
Dhandi: Are you my genie, too?
Eden: (puts the lid back) No he's not, sweetheart.
(Eden changes back to her chef outfit and hits a button on a remote
control. A spring pops up underneath the pan, sending it flying.
Eden hands Dhandi a sandwich.)
Eden: Now, mangia. (to herself) The nerve of these guys!
Muscling in on my girl? What, what, she's the only master in this
(Meanwhile the pan is spinning off into the air. Genie's head pops
Genie: Hmm, casual approach isn't impressing her. Show her more
of that Genie pizzazz! (gets out of the pan and jumps into the river)
(Eden hears the splash and looks to see what it was. Not seeing
anything, she turns back to Dhandi.)
Eden: Ever tried pizza?
(Dhandi shakes her head "no".)
Eden: You'll love it! (gives Dhandi a pepperoni pizza as big as
the table)
(Genie, snorkeling in the river, smells the pizza.)
Genie: Ooh, pizza! (jumps out of the water and flies toward Eden
and Dhandi) Try gumdrop. (puts a gumdrop pizza on top of Eden's,
then picks a gumdrop off, chews it, and blows a bubble) It's trendy!
(Eden pops the bubble; gum covers Genie's face.)
Eden: (angrily) Pepperoni! It's classic! (zaps another pepperoni
pizza on top of the other two)
Genie: (in a stereotypical Italian outfit, with an accent) Oh,
no nono no no no no, you must-a try gumdrop. It's a-thick, it's
a-chewy! The colors! The flavor! Mm, delicioso! (adds another
gumdrop pizza)
Eden: Pepperoni.
Genie: Gumdrop.
Eden: Pepperoni!
Genie: Gumdrop!
Eden: Pepperoni!
Genie: Gumdrop!
Eden: Pepperoni!
Genie: Gumdrop!
Eden: Pepperoni!
(Each time they speak they add another pizza to the stack.)
(Back at the docks, Abis Mal is still rubbing the lamp. Haroud
sees the stack of pizzas rising in the distance.)
Abis Mal: Er! Stupid lamp!
(Haroud picks up Abis by his belt and turns him in the direction
of the pizzas.)
Haroud: Sir.
(The pizzas are now up through the clouds, as far as the eye can
Genie: It's a tower of pizza!
Dhandi: Wow, you two are great!
(The "tower" starts to creak.)
Eden: A leaning tower of pizza.
Genie: A falling tower of pizza!
(The tower crashes. There is now a trail of pizzas leading towards
the docks. One of the pizzas has landed on Abis Mal.)
Abis Mal: Uh huh... (picks something off a pizza) Hey, gumdrops!
(chews it)
Haroud: Perhaps your new hat lies this way, sir. (gestures towards
the trail of pizzas)
(Back at Dhandi's place, she is holding a slice of each type of
Dhandi: I really like pepperoni—
(Eden grins smugly.)
Dhandi: But the gumdrop's good, too!
(Eden is shocked; Genie is pleasantly surprised.)
Dhandi: And the best part is they go great together! (puts one
slice on top of the other and eats them together)
(Genie shakes the still shocked Eden's hand.)
Genie: Nice teamwork. The name's Genie.
Eden: (annoyed) Oh, that's original. Look, I'm trying
to grant a wish here, so go find your own master, will you? She's
Genie: Guess this means you don't want to go to the beach with
Dhandi: I think he likes you!
(Genie blushes.)
Eden: (pointing back and forth between herself and Genie) You mean
you...? I thought you...?
Genie: Oh, no no! I already have a master!
Eden: I'd love to see you sometime. But I can't. You know how it
is. New master and all. I'm a career girl.
Dhandi: She'll see you tonight. Eight-ish.
Eden: Uh, what she said.
Genie: Eight-ish it ish. (bows and flies away)
Eden: (laughs and does flips in the air, then spins Dhandi around)
What a hunk of genie! (turns into a seal flapping its front flippers
(Abis Mal and Haroud are watching from an alley.)
Abis Mal: You brought me to look at a seal?
Haroud: Wait for it.
(Eden turns into a giant spatula flipping a fried egg and starts
laughing again.)
Abis Mal: Yai! What kinda seal is this?!
Haroud: Sir, it's a genie.
Abis Mal: No, you're wrong! For it is...a genie!
Haroud: Since the lamp seems to be on the fritz, I think we should
see about acquiring a certain bottle.
(Aladdin and Genie are talking. Genie is smitten.)
Aladdin: Another genie?
Genie: Yep, Genie of the bottle.
Aladdin: Wow, I mean, what are the chances?
(Genie makes a machine appear that spits out a paper. He begins
to read it.)
Genie: According to this, not very good. Oh, Al,
it must mean it was meant to be!
(He grabs Aladdin and hugs him.)
Aladdin: I didn't even know genies fell in love.
Genie: What? You think we're only here to grant
Aladdin: Well, I never really uh...
Genie: You know when music seems to fill the air?
Aladdin: Yeah.
Genie: And entire hills of flowers mysteriously bloom over night?
Aladdin: Uh huh.
Genie: And when flying pigs play croquet with the stars?
Aladdin: What?!
Genie: Well, it's dark out, you can't see the pigs too good, but
that's what happens when genies fall in love.
Aladdin: Did you say...flying pigs?
Genie: In space! But that comes later. If everything goes right.
What will I say? What will I do? What'll I wear?!
(Cuts to Eden talking to Dhandi)
Eden: You sure you'll be all right? Any wishes? Remember, there's
plenty of food in the fridge!
(Eden makes a fridge appear with food tumbling out as she opens
Dhandi: I'll rub if I need anything. Now go on!
(Eden is about to take off, but turns back around to hug Dhandi)
Eden: You know, this has been some day. I've never had a date before,
and I've never had a master as nice as you. (She gives Dhandi a
kiss good-bye and flies off towards the sky)
Dhandi: Have fun.
(Abis Mal and Haroud show up behind Dhandi as she gasps)
(Scene: An area in the city near the river. Genie
shows up dressed as Robin Hood and speaking in an English accent
to himself, practicing what he's going to say)
Genie: How lovely you look tonight, Eden. Why thank you, it's my
best leotard. (changes back to normal) Be yourself, be yourself...
(Genie looks into a mirror and begins to polish his earring. Eden
shows up by flying taxi and steps out wearing an elegant white dress.
Genie quickly changes himself into a light pink tux as he walks
over to her.)
Genie: What do you know? We match.
Eden: Genie, you look phenomenal!
Genie: (blushing a little) Well, semi-phenomenal, actually.
(Genie leans on the taxi and it changes into a pumpkin)
Eden: Whoa, that's the last time I rent from the prop department.
(Genie and Eden look over to see a man carrying a goat onto a raft.
Genie changes the man into a gondolier and the goat into a musician
playing the violin)
Genie: Oh, look, a gondolier. Shall we?
(Both walk over to the gondolier who is heading towards a dock
and step inside. Eden makes a table with dinner appear behind them.)
Eden: Oh, look, dinner. Shall we?
(An archway the boat goes under magically becomes decorated with
flowers. What appears to be a ball of fire is in the sky ricocheting
around in the sky. The scene shifts to Aladdin sleeping in a lawn
chair outside with Abu. A loud noise is heard, which wakes Abu and
Aladdin up. They look to the sky to see the ball of fire heading
towards them. They leap away from the chair right before the ball
of fire hits them and leaves a giant crater in the sand. A pig with
wings carrying a mallet comes down and hits the ball of fire out
of the crater.)
Pig: Just playing through!
(Abu reacts in disbelief)
Aladdin: Genie's date must be going well.
(A bunch of random items are being tossed to an area away from where
Dhandi lives, and shows Abis Mal rubbing a colander while Haroud
is tossing items behind him)
Abis Mal: Ooh, it's not working! It's not working!
Dhandi: Did I say genie of the colander? I meant, genie of the
summer squash.
Abis Mal: My genie of the summer squash!
(Abis Mal picks up a squash that just got tossed near him and attempts
to rub it, but it explodes in his face)
Abis Mal: Haroud, I killed my genie.
(Dhandi giggles, but stops when she hears Haroud addressing her)
Haroud: Little miss, it is time to end our game and reveal the
whereabouts of the bottle before you share the fate of that overripe
(Genie and Eden are sitting in a flying hansom cab going through
space snuggling each other)
Eden: Genie, it's beautiful!
(The hansom cab is headed towards Saturn)
Genie: (holding up ice skates) Put on your skating legs!
(The two are ice skating, doing a mix between some traditional
ice skating moves and ones that are impossible to do unless you're
a genie.)
Genie: Souvenirs?
(The two are taking pictures in front of set-up picture display
where the heads are cut out to place your own inside)
Genie and Eden: Cheese!
(The two take off for more skating and create a giant heart on
the ice. Genie begins to spin Eden around by her shoes on the ice,
but spins a little too hard and she goes flying towards space leaving
her boots behind. Genie gasps)
(An opening appears on the ice with Eden coming out of it dressed
as an astronaut smiling at Genie)
Eden: Miss me, Butterfingers?
(She gets out of the hole and skates towards a relieved Genie while
taking off her helmet)
Eden: I'll never forget this night.
(She moves closer to him, about to kiss, but her right ear begins
to twitch and a little rattling noise is heard)
Eden: Oh, I'm being summoned. (She begins to disappear leaving
nothing but her lips to talk) Back in a flash, handsome. Promise!
(Genie smiles and grabs the horse that brought them by the face
and pushes it against his)
Genie: I'm handsome! (He turns towards us at home) How long's a
flash?! (Looking at a watch) One-one thousand, two-one thousand,
three-one thousand...
(Eden appears back on Earth under the pier talking and spinning
around in excitement)
Eden: Oh, Dhandi! Dhandi! He's so wonderful, I think I'm in love
and...why are you in that cage?
(Dhandi is in a cage guarded by Haroud and Abis Mal)
Abis Mal: Ahem! (Abis Mal elbows Haroud)
Haroud: Allow me to introduce you to Abis Mal, your new master.
(Abis Mal holds up Eden's bottle)
Eden: No!
(The scene goes back to Genie still counting, but his tone is sad
as he realizes it's been longer than a flash)
Genie: Sixty-eight million three hundred and four-one thousand,
sixty-eight million three hundred and five-one thousand...either
a flash is a really long time, or I've just been dumped.
(Genie slinks back into the carriage)
Genie: Heigh ho, Silver, away.
(Aladdin is now talking to Genie who is sitting in the lawn chair
looking at the picture from earlier, depressed)
Aladdin: Genie, I'm sure there's an explanation. She must love
you. I mean, I saw the flying pig! Abu did, too!
(Abu nods)
Genie: Pig's a liar! Nobody wants to be with a semi-phenomenal
genie of the shoe. (He drops a tear on the photo and gets rid of
it) Mr. Smelly Genie, that's my name. 'Ooh, smells like feet! Must
be that genie!'
Aladdin: Hey, you can't just sit here and mope for the rest of
your life!
Genie: I can't?
Aladdin: No, you've gotta get your lamp back!
Abu: Yeah!
Aladdin: Come on, big guy, what do you say we go find Abis Mal?
Genie: Meh, he's under that pier.
Aladdin: ...how long have you known that?
Genie: Eh, since he rubbed. It just didn't seem very important
after I met...her.
Aladdin: ...OK.
(Aladdin is now sneaking around the pier, hiding behind each pillar
making sure he isn't seen. He makes it to the last one and motions
for Abu and Genie. Abu is dragging Genie by his belt, as Genie slinks
still sad. Aladdin begins to walk as they catch up and gasps as
he spots something)
Aladdin: Eden!
(Genie gasps)
(Abis Mal is yelling at a depressed Eden while holding her bottle)
Abis Mal: Can't kill anyone?! What kind of a genie are you?
Eden: I'm sorry, Master.
Genie: No! Say it ain't so!
Eden: Genie!
(Genie disappears and Haroud places a sheet over Aladdin's head
and ties him up with rope while he struggles to get free)
(Genie appears in-between Abis Mal and Eden, knocking Abis Mal
out of the picture in the process.)
Genie: So, it was all a trick! You were working with the enemy
all along, is that it?
Eden: What?! Oh, no, no!
(Genie heads over to Dhandi, who is still in her cage)
Genie: Oh, the kid was a nice touch. What, you only let her out
when you need to make a chump out of someone?
Dhandi: No, it's not true!
Genie: You only pretended to love me. I'm a sucker fish!
(Genie turns into a fish, and hops up and down while still talking
to Eden)
Genie: You set the bait and reeled me in!
(Genie turns back into himself and turns his back toward Eden with
his arms folded)
Eden: Genie! I...
(Abis Mal interrupts standing off to the side with Haroud)
Abis Mal: For my first wish...
(Haroud whispers something in his ear)
Abis Mal: Rid me of Aladdin's genie!
(Haroud whispers in his ear again)
Abis Mal: You will imprison him at the bottom of the farthest,
(Genie and Eden stare blankly. Haroud rolls his eyes)
(Haroud whispers to him again)
Abis Mal: ...ocean.
Eden: Yes, Master.
Genie: What do I care? A quiet place to mend my broken heart.
(Abu gets Aladdin free from the sheet and ropes, and he bursts
from underneath them)
Aladdin: No! Genie!
(Eden places Genie in a giant safe. Aladdin pounds on the front
of it, but it takes off shooting through the pier and into the ocean
where it sinks to the bottom.)
(Eden is sniffling and notices Aladdin standing next to her)
Eden: You must be Aladdin. I'm sorry.
Aladdin: I know, you had no choice, Eden.
(Abis Mal is heard from the side)
Abis Mal: Yoo-hoo! Genie dear! Wish number two coming your way.
Make me the biggest tough guy ever. A cosmic one! I wanna blow up
things and, uh, possess mega-brain energy!
Haroud: Yes, you'll be needing that.
Aladdin: We have to get that bottle!
(Eden zaps Abis Mal with her magic)
Abis Mal: (While it's working) And don't forget the deadly eye lasers.
Red ones that really sting!
(Aladdin tries to attack Abis Mal, but he has grown larger)
Abis Mal: Ah, ah, ah! Too late, Aladdin. Hey, I can see our hide-out
from here!
(Scene: The ocean. Genie can be heard playing a harmonica from inside
the safe. He is wearing shades and singing)
Genie: Ohh, my genie woman left me, yeah my baby gone done me wrong.
She dun dumped me in the ocean where a bum like me belong.
(A beeping noise is heard and an answering machine and telephone
is shown in Genie's lap)
Genie: Hmm, I've got a message.
(He presses the button and Eden's voice is heard)
Eden: It's me, Eden. Exit's down the hall to your right. Abis Mal
may have said ocean floor, but he didn't say forever.
(Genie smiles and bursts through the safe into the sky. He is fire
Genie: She likes me!
(Back at the pier, Abis Mal is attempting to hit Aladdin with his
eye lasers)
Abis Mal: Ha, ha, ha, not so tough without a genie, eh Aladdin?
(Aladdin dodges more lasers on the ground with Abis Mal chasing
after him)
(Eden talks to Dhandi in her cage)
Eden: Don't worry, angel-face. Help is on the way.
(Abis Mal tries to hit Aladdin and Abu with his lasers, but ends
up hitting his foot. He smells something burning and realizes that
his foot is now on fire. He grabs his foot and hops around.)
Abis Mal: Ow, ow, ow! That hurts!
Haroud: Wonderful, soon enough you'll be good enough to play birthday
Abis Mal: I heard that Haroud. I hear all. In fact, I hear the
conversation of distant grazing antelope.
(He places his hand around his ear and listens for a second)
Abis Mal: ...boy are they boring.
(Genie's voice is heard off screen)
Genie: It's payback time!
Abis Mal: Ooh, loud.
(Everyone smiles as they see Genie soaring through the sky glowing
in red and yellow)
Genie: I am your worst nightmare, Abis Mal. I am in a genie in
love! (He stands on a rock in a heroic pose with a giant white flag
behind him that carries a heart on it) Powered by the energy of
flying pigs from outer space, I fear neither bullets, nor intimacy,
nor the likes of you, vile nemesis!
(Eden winks at Dhandi and Genie shows up behind her whispering,
but still focused on Abis Mal)
Genie: So how do I stop the vile nemesis?
Eden: Like any other all-powerful, cosmic being: pull the plug!
Genie: I like your style, genie woman. (Genie leaves and returns
with a present.) Salmon jerky from the wharf.
(Abis Mal is standing in front of them looking down upset Genie
is back.)
Abis Mal: You tricked me! Bad genie!
(He begins to shoot lasers Genie who has managed to run up behind
him and reach the back of his neck. He opens a hatch and shakes
his head.)
Genie: We have to operate!
(He pulls out two batteries and Abis Mal begins to shrink and lose
his power.)
Abis Mal: No, no, no!
(He lands on the shore in the water holding Eden's bottle. Eden
hovers by in a relaxed pose)
Abis Mal: That's twice you tricked me!
Eden: You said comic tough guy. You didn't say forever.
Abis Mal: Fine, for my last wish, I want Aladdin and his genie
Eden: Rules! You can't kill anyone!
Abis Mal: Oh, brother. Then, turn them into little cockroaches
so I can mash them!
(Dhandi, Aladdin and Genie all gasp)
Abis Mal: (stomping up and down) I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish!
Eden: Yes, Master.
(Eden gets ready to zap Aladdin and Genie as Abis Mal watches on.
Abu takes the bottle from Abis Mal and runs away with it. Haroud
and Abis Mal both chase after him, but Abu tosses the bottle to
Dhandi who catches it and begins to rub)
Dhandi: I wish for Eden not to grant that wish!
(Right as the magic is about to hit Aladdin and Genie, it reverses
directions and hits Abis Mal and Haroud instead, turning them into
cockroaches. They scamper around for a while.)
(Abu picks Dhandi's lock and she's free.)
Dhandi: But, I didn't wish that.
Eden: (shrugging) Freebie!
(Genie picks up his lamp that dropped from Abis Mal's clothes and
goes to Eden.)
Genie: Add on a second bathroom, put a little white picket fence
around it, home sweet home.
Eden: Sounds cozy.
Aladdin: Thank you for saving us. I'm sorry that you had to use
your wish.
Eden: She's just going to have to make her last wish a special
one, aren't you, sweetie?
(Eden hugs Dhandi, and Genie's head pops up on screen)
Genie: Free the genie!
(He stands off to the side whistling)
Dhandi: Of course I'll free you, Eden, I just wish we could always
be together.
(Dhandi gasps as she realizes what she just said as does Genie.)
Dhandi: I didn't mean that! I mean, I...
(Genie's jaw drops while Eden and Dhandi have a sparkle over them
as they are now always together. Eden goes over to Genie, who is
still in shock.)
Eden: I'm sorry, Genie. Dhandi has no one else. I can't leave her.
(Eden pushes up Genie's jaw and Aladdin pats him on the back. Genie
Genie: I understand.
(Dhandi comes running up to Genie to give him a hug)
Dhandi: Thank you, Genie!
Eden: Besides, we genies have eternity.
(Eden winks at him)
Genie: You, uh, free sometime next century? Say eight-ish?
Eden: Eight-ish. It's a date.
(The screen scrolls up to show the flying pig from earlier above
them looking down. He makes a swing in the air with his mallet and
winks at us at home.) |