The Secret of Dagger Rock
Story Editors: Mark McCorkle and Robert Schooley
Written by: Mirith J.S. Colao
© Disney 1994
Transcribed by Ruth
Transcript edited by Calluna
Screencaps by Calluna
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(The desert. ALADDIN and JASMINE fly past on CARPET.
We see a little more of the desert, then a pretty oasis, which CARPET
is obviously heading for.)
JASMINE: What a perfect day.
(ALADDIN pulls CARPET to a stop, jumps off and CARPET forms steps
ALADDIN: It's all in the company you keep.
(JASMINE walks down the steps made by CARPET. ALADDIN catches her
around the waist. They smile at each other until they hear a little
yelp from behind them. They turn and see a small FOX caught by its
foot in a big bear trap.)
ALADDIN: What kind of creep would set a trap like this? (He frees
the FOX, who runs over to JASMINE. She catches it and hugs it.)
JASMINE: Ahh ... he's so cute.
(ALADDIN smiles and moves to go back over to them, but finds his
feet stuck in black goop underneath him. He struggles, but can't
get himself free.)
JASMINE: Aladdin!
(Now the little FOX she's holding becomes XERXES, the sidekick
of the sorcerer MOZENRATH, who hisses at her. JASMINE runs towards
where ALADDIN is stuck.)
ALADDIN: Jasmine! Stay back!
(CARPET flies over to ALADDIN. ALADDIN catches him and tries to
pull himself out, but something zaps CARPET and he crashes back
over JASMINE'S head.) |
MOZENRATH: Aladdin. You're looking well — though trapped.
(MOZENRATH appears through a portal and stays hovering above everyone.)
ALADDIN: Mozenrath.
MOZENRATH: Guilty. Now let's cut to the bone. You know how I've
made a career of collecting magic? Well, I've decided your genie
will now be my genie. (During this, XERXES sniffs at ALADDIN'S belt,
but ALADDIN swats him away during his own little speech.)
ALADDIN: Yeah, right. Genie's not here, so you're out of luck.
XERXES: (Flying back up to MOZENRATH) No lamp.
MOZENRATH: No problem. I have you now. I'll have him soon enough. |
(JASMINE has been waiting at the side, hovering on CARPET.)
JASMINE: Now! (They zoom over towards ALADDIN.) Aladdin! (She tries
to pull ALADDIN out, but isn't quite strong enough.)
MOZENRATH: Ho-ho, a girl of action. Where are the tears, little
princess? Beg me for mercy. (He raises his right hand and zaps her.
She flies backwards and lands on her side, not far from CARPET.)
ALADDIN: Mozenrath!
(He doesn't get to say anything else, because the goop underneath
him forms a hand which engulfs him. JASMINE picks herself up and
starts running to him.) |
JASMINE: Aladdin!
(The hand that caught ALADDIN rolls itself up into a little ball
(spraying JASMINE as it does) and forms into a little marble, which
MOZENRATH catches.) |
MOZENRATH: You know, Princess, pitiful is very cute
on you. If you want to see your beloved Aladdin again, have the
genie delivered to me at Dagger Rock by nightfall. (He zaps her
again and she falls backwards.) Now, I know this won't be easy,
but don't try anything royal, like sending an army. Defy me, and
XERXES: Aladdin pays.
MOZENRATH: With pain.
XERXES: Yes! (He starts to chuckle. MOZENRATH starts to laugh too
and they both disappear. JASMINE watches, looking rather ticked.)
(Back to the palace. JASMINE is explaining the situation to GENIE.)
GENIE: He wants me?
JASMINE: Mozenrath wants you at Dagger Rock by sunset. Or else Aladdin
GENIE: Al's got nothing to fear, Jas. If that warped wizard wants
to take me on, let him try! (He poofs himself into a gladiator,
a barbarian, then a Mighty Duck, who smacks a hockey puck.) He
shoots, he scores!
JASMINE: Genie, it's an obvious trap. Mozenrath wants your magic.
I will rescue Aladdin.
SULTAN: (From off-camera) No, you will not! (We see him entering
the throne room.) It's much too dangerous.
JASMINE: But, Father —
SULTAN: Don't worry, Jasmine. I'll send my finest men to rescue
the boy.
JASMINE: Father, that's just what Mozenrath expects!
SULTAN: Dearest. Aladdin's best hope is for you to leave this matter
to my guards.
JASMINE: Father, listen —
SULTAN: Jasmine! I ... I may be ... I may be a little out of practice
at this, but ... but ... go to your room!
(Later, JASMINE is sitting in her room, by the mirror. ABU and
IAGO are with her. ABU chatters sadly and JASMINE puts her hands
on the dressing table.)
JASMINE: I can not just sit here. (She stands and starts to walk
IAGO: Lie down, then. (JASMINE looks darkly back at him.) Eh, I
mean, I find that a good nap clears the mind in a crisis.
JASMINE: Carpet! (CARPET appears and salutes her.) You have to take
me to Dagger Rock. And we are going now.
GENIE: Careful! The walls have ears! (A giant GENIE ear appears
through a curtain, then the rest of GENIE appears. He poofs himself
into the room with JASMINE.) Jasmine, if your father sees you ...
JASMINE: Well, we can't let Mozenrath see you.
GENIE: So only the guards go?
JASMINE: To their doom. No guard's a match for Mozenrath. (She thinks
for a moment, then gets an idea.) Genie —
GENIE: Unless ... we're the guards. (He poofs himself into a GUARD.)
IAGO: I am sleeping! I do not hear this crazy talk!
(ABU starts chattering excitedly.)
JASMINE: Sorry, Abu, but you and Iago had better stay here.
ABU: What?!
GENIE: (As a secret agent, to ABU) This is a secret mission. Feathered
and furry operatives could blow our cover.
ABU: Oh!
IAGO: (He flies over) So ... you're not gonna drag us along?
JASMINE: Genie, let's get started. (She and GENIE leave the room.)
IAGO: (Flying back over to ABU) I feel so left out! (He slides down
JASMINE'S chair/bed thing and onto a couple of cushions, where he
puts his wings behind his head.) Ah ... I could get used to this.
(We go to the gates of Agrabah, and see four GUARDS leaving, riding
RASOUL: Onward, beast.
SULTAN: (From a tower window) Do bring Aladdin home safely!
RASOUL: (Waving to the SULTAN) Without fail, Your Highness. (Then
he adds to himself) Risking our lives for a lousy street rat.
(We see the back of the GUARDS. The last two suddenly disappear
from their camels and JASMINE and GENIE (dressed as guards, of course,
JASMINE wearing a fake beard and a fake moustache) take their place.)
RASOUL: (Looking back) What's going on here?
GENIE: Personnel reassignment. Paperwork just went through, sir.
(He hands RASOUL a scroll.)
RASOUL: Stinking bureaucracy ... |
(The GUARDS continue through the desert.)
JASMINE: (To GENIE) I think we're going to wrong way.
GENIE: Well, say something.
(JASMINE goes ahead to catch up to RASOUL.)
JASMINE: Ah, not to say this isn't a lovely route, Rasoul, but
I was wondering maybe ... maybe ... (GENIE snatches her back.)
GENIE: If you want Rasoul to listen, you have to talk like a man.
JASMINE: Man? And how is that?
GENIE: (First produces a very girly sound) Well, uh ... since you're
new at this, I'll give you the (deep booming voice) Brief History
of Man. (He poofs himself into various things to tell the story.
First is a Proto-Man.) This is the single cell Proto-Man. This little
fella had only one muscle. And so, in an effort to look tough, Man
evolved. (He evolves into a trilobite thing.) But hard shells were
nearly impossible to tattoo. (He morphs into a fish with a tattoo
of a mermaid and an anchor on his chest.) So man swam on. (The fish
swims off and becomes a fish-looking thing
with arms and legs.) Man needed arms and legs, so he could operate
a really hot set of wheels. (We see a car, which the fish-man jumps
into.) Preferably a liquid-cooled, fuel-injected, turbo-charged
Straight Eight.
FISH-MAN: And the best part, it's leased! (He zooms off.)
GENIE: This process will continue until he reaches his ultimate
macho form in the 1970s. (He becomes an ape-man, a football player,
a construction worker, a cowboy, and finally a disco dancer.)
JASMINE: Thanks, Genie. (She rides to catch RASOUL again.) Yo, Rasoul!
You got somethin' against the shortcut through the Shiftin' Sands?
(RASOUL turns back.)
RASOUL: Listen here, you plebian little — (FAZAL puts a hand
on his arm.)
FAZAL: He's right. It would be much faster.
RASOUL: Ah, the shortcut through the Shifting Sands was to be my
next order. If someone hadn't interrupted me. What did you say your
name was?
JASMINE: Jamahl.
FAZAL: (To GENIE) And what is your name?
GENIE: Ah, oh, ah, me? Gee, uh — Ned. |
(We go through a mountain pass and inside what looks
like a large cavern. MOZENRATH takes the marble from his robes and
throws it at one of the convenient rocks. It bursts open and ALADDIN
emerges, now stuck to the rocks with the black goop that captured
him before. He struggles, but can't get free. XERXES floats up to
him and starts chuckling.)
MOZENRATH: Soon your genie will be mine.
ALADDIN: You'll never get Genie!
MOZENRATH: And who is gonna stop me, Aladdin? You? You who refused
to be a Sultan so you could play 'the hero'?
ALADDIN: Beats some of your hobbies.
MOZENRATH: I single handedly conquered the Land of the Black Sand.
I became the most powerful sorcerer of our age. And that's only
the start. I will rule the Seven Deserts!
ALADDIN: Sure ... but how many parties do you get invited to?
(XERXES starts chuckling; MOZENRATH grabs him around the neck.)
MOZENRATH: Some of us have free time to torment the prisoner. But
some of us should be on the look-out for my new genie! (He releases
XERXES, who flies reluctantly off.)
ALADDIN: You lost this battle the minute you got Jasmine mad.
MOZENRATH: Oh, no! (He laughs) I've angered the princess.
ALADDIN: You don't get it. I've seen her mad.
MOZENRATH: Oh, should I tremble at the painted toes of her dainty
little feet? I don't think so! Your precious princess is no doubt
weeping in some cloistered corner of the palace. |
(We see JASMINE riding through the desert, then
XERXES flying along near the dunes close to the guards. He hides
himself in one of them to watch.)
GENIE: Yessir! Nothing like a dangerous mission to make a man feel
manly! (He bumps JASMINE, who almost falls off her camel, but GENIE
catches her.) Oh, sorry man. |
(JASMINE senses something.)
JASMINE: Halt! Something is out there!
RASOUL: How dare you give the halt command! It is my command. One
of many I bellow.
(JASMINE rides a little ahead and sticks her sword into the dune.
XERXES yelps and comes out. He flies in circles around JASMINE,
then over to the others.)
JASMINE: Capture it!
(XERXES flies circles around GENIE and the other GUARDS, looking
for the lamp. The GUARDS kick at him until JASMINE snatches RASOUL'S
turban and catches him in it. He struggles, but can't seem to break
RASOUL: Well done, Jamahl! I'll take over the capture from here.
(He takes the turban from JASMINE. XERXES struggles again, and breaks
through the top of the turban. He bites RASOUL and flies off.) |
(Back to the palace. ABU is sitting at the window,
looking very mournful.)
IAGO: Relax, monkey! They do the adventure thing, and we do the
hang out thing. (We see ABU'S face, then IAGO joins him at the window.)
How long is it gonna take them, anyway?
(At Dagger Rock, MOZENRATH is pacing impatiently, waiting for XERXES.
He looks up when he sees XERXES flying back in, out of breath. He
stops at MOZENRATH.)
MOZENRATH: Give me a full report.
XERXES: Four guards.
MOZENRATH: So did they have the genie?
XERXES: No genie.
MOZENRATH: Did you see the lamp?
XERXES: No lamp.
MOZENRATH: So is there any reason why we shouldn't obliterate Aladdin's
little rescue party?
XERXES: No reason. (He chuckles.)
(The GUARDS progress through the desert. FAZAL looks carefully
at JASMINE, who is missing her beard from the last fight. She notices
him looking at her.)
JASMINE: What is it, man?
FAZAL: Didn't you have a beard?
(JASMINE feels her face and realises the beard is gone.)
FAZAL: But ... I remember —
JASMINE: Enough, man. We have arrived. The Land of the Black Sand.
GENIE: (When his camel starts bucking) Whoa, whoa ... easy, Humpty.
Look alive, men. Something's spooking the camels.
(MAMLUKS, MOZENRATH'S guards, start to rise from the sand.)
JASMINE: Undead guardians.
GENIE: Pretty much undead anything woud do it. Yah! |
(The MAMLUKS start to advance.)
FAZAL: Mamluks! The shambling half-dead!
(RASOUL leaps off his camel, draws his sword, yells and charges
at the MAMLUKS. FAZAL swallows, then yells, but a MAMLUK grabs him
around the neck and pulls him off his camel. The MAMLUK looks at
FAZAL for a moment, then throws him head-first into a dune. RASOUL
is still fighting, trying to fend off three or four MAMLUKS at once.
GENIE peeks out from between one of the camels' legs, then we see
him crouching behind it. JASMINE is there too.)
GENIE: I'll get the mamluks.
JASMINE: I'll keep Rasoul busy. (She hurries off. We see RASOUL
still fighting, then JASMINE calls to him.) Rasoul! Behind you!
(RASOUL turns, and CARPET pushes his turban down over his eyes.
A MAMLUK wanders up behind him, but GENIE snatches it before it
reaches RASOUL. RASOUL continues to struggle to get the turban off
his eyes.) |
RASOUL: Hey! What is going on here?!
JASMINE: Don't look! The burning glow from a mamluk's eyes can blind
an entire army. (This makes RASOUL cower and stop struggling.)
(Meanwhile, GENIE is taking care of the MAMLUKS. He picks one up,
looks at it, then winds up and bowls it towards three others like
a bowling ball and pins.) |
(FAZAL manages to pull his head out of the sand. JASMINE notices
and gasps.)
JASMINE: Carpet!
(CARPET flies over and winds himself around FAZAL'S head. GENIE
is still fighting the mamluks. He materialises a boxing ring for
him to fight in.)
ANNOUNCER: (GENIE) In this corner, the rambling, shambling mamluks!
MAMLUKS, standing in the corner, look frightened.) In this corner,
hailing from parts unknown, weighing in at 472 pounds ... eight
ounces, the Genie of the Lamp!
WRESTLER GENIE: Rub this lamp, and you're wishin' for lights out,
(He launches himself off the ropes at the MAMLUKS.)
ANNOUNCER: Ow! Oh, a (something I can't make out — sorry!)
I wish you could see this, but broadcast standards forbid that we
show any kind of mayhem! Ooh, that's gotta hurt! Nobody home!
WRESTLER GENIE: I am the Genie of Pain! I will rub you out!
JASMINE: Ned. (ahem) Ned! (We see the GENIE shaking one of the MAMLUKS
in his mouth.) Genie! (GENIE finally hears her.)
GENIE: Oopsie.
(He makes the boxing ring vanish and poofs back into his guard
clothes and all the MAMLUKS clatter to the ground around him.
RASOUL: (Worried) Poor Fazal. He must've stared into the mamluks'
eyes! |
(FAZAL stumbles about, CARPET still wound around
his head.)
FAZAL: All has gone dark!
(CARPET releases him and rolls himself back up on one of the camels'
backs.) |
JASMINE: (To RASOUL) It's okay — you can look
(RASOUL pulls the turban off his eyes and sees GENIE standing near
all the MAMLUK corpses in a real hero pose, one foot up on the pile
RASOUL: How — ?
GENIE: Well, I ah ... majored in mamluk battling at ah, school.
(GUARDS exchange a glance. GENIE jumps back on his camel.) Let's
(They ride off again. RASOUL looks back at JASMINE, riding behind
him. She's missing her moustache now too. RASOUL thinks for a moment.
JASMINE sees him and starts thinking herself. She too notices her
moustache is gone. RASOUL realises something and looks back, but
CARPET quickly covers under JASMINE'S nose, where the moustache
should be. RASOUL looks suspicious, but when he looks back, the
moustache is back in place. He shakes his head in disbelief.)
RASOUL: Yeh, onward men!
(And they continue along their way. XERXES watches them go, then
flies over to a dune where he can inspect the damage. He gasps when
he looks over and sees the MAMLUKS defeated and chasing after their
legs, arms, heads, etc. He flies off. Back to the palace in Agrabah
now. ABU is still sitting by the window, and we see him jump back
inside. He flops down on a cushion near IAGO.)
IAGO: Ya know, we could still catch up with the others. (ABU looks
up and chatters excitedly.) Whoa! What am I sayin'? (He dips his
head in a bowl of water.) Get a grip here. I gotta think cowardly
thoughts. Adventure hurts. Adventure very bad. Adventure you could
hurt yourself. (ABU chatters at him and folds his arms.)
(Back to Dagger Rock. XERXES flies in to give MOZENRATH a report.) |
MOZENRATH: So, what was the damage? Gruesome, I
XERXES: Real ugly.
MOZENRATH: So we crushed the street rat's saviors.
XERXES: We — lost.
MOZENRATH: My ... my mamluks? Defeated by mere mortals?
ALADDIN: Pretty pathetic, Mozenrath. |
(MOZENRATH narrows his eyes and turns back to ALADDIN.)
MOZENRATH: I should have known the Sultan would send his bravest
warriors to rescue this court jester. (He zaps ALADDIN. XERXES chuckles
and MOZENRATH takes a couple of pieces of rock from the ground.)
Well, I like a good laugh too. I'm laughing already. (He laughs
and throws the rocks towards the GUARDS, ever drawing nearer.)
(The two pieces of rock land in front of the GUARDS and build up
to become two giant HANDS which proceed to chase after the GUARDS.
They all turn and run, but one captures CARPET and JASMINE, who
loses her disguise completely now.) |
(GENIE poofs himself out of the guard disguise and goes to rescue
JASMINE. She struggles and manages to free herself, but falls before
GENIE can catch her.)
GENIE: Jasmine!
(CARPET races after her and catches her just before she hits some
RASOUL: (With FAZAL, captured by the the other HAND and now realising
who the new guard is) Princess Jasmine?! |
(The other HAND starts chasing JASMINE, who flies
off on CARPET, evading it as it tries to thump her. GENIE is working
on freeing the other two GUARDS.)
GENIE: Let go! These are devoted civil servants — Agrabah's
finest! (He fails to make the HAND let go and spins off into the
air. He gathers his thoughts and goes in for another try. He poofs
himself into a motherly-type woman.) Oh, look at these nails. You
need a trim, doll. (He takes out a jackhammer and hammers the HAND
in a few places until it lets go and RASOUL and FAZAL fall to the
ground. The HAND promptly starts chasing them again.) Thank me later,
boys. (The HAND flicks RASOUL and FAZAL into the sand. They come
up coughing and GENIE grins sheepishly.)
JASMINE: Genie, look out! |
(GENIE zooms off just in time to save himself being
crushed by the HANDS. Instead they hit each other and break into
thousands of tiny pieces.)
JASMINE: Come on, Genie. It's almost sunset. (GENIE joins her on
CARPET and the two of them fly off.) |
(Dagger Rock. We see the sun sinking. MOZENRATH
is getting impatient.)
MOZENRATH: My orders to the princess were simple. The lamp was
to be mine by nightfall.
ALADDIN: Princess Jasmine doesn't take orders from anybody.
MOZENRATH: That being the case, I'm thinking that I should keep
my end of the bargain. It's been nice knowing you, Aladdin. Then
again — no it hasn't. (He takes hold of ALADDIN'S shirt.)
Goodbye, Aladdin.
JASMINE: (Off-camera) Hello, Mozenrath!
ALADDIN: Told ya.
(We scale up the cliff and see JASMINE hovering above.) |
JASMINE: I always get my man.
MOZENRATH: Ha ha! Look, Xerxes, it's the Royal Pain. (JASMINE glares
at him.) Hoo-hoo-hoo, if looks could bruise.
(JASMINE zooms towards MOZENRATH. She jumps off CARPET. MOZENRATH
prepares to zap her, but JASMINE gets there first, knocking him
off his feet. She skids to a halt and CARPET catches her before
she hits the wall. MOZENRATH slides down a cliff face and manages
to grab hold of the edge with his magic hand before he falls off
the edge. JASMINE gasps as he manages to pull himself back up.)
MOZENRATH: Are you clear on just how excruciatingly painful my
powers can be? |
(He goes to zap her, but XERXES stops him and turns
his head.)
XERXES: The trap.
(GENIE is over with ALADDIN, a pair of scissors in his hand. He
cuts one of the goop-ropes holding ALADDIN up, then stops when he
realises his hand is stuck to the one on the other side and the
one he just cut is dripping down onto his hand. He struggles, but
just gets himself more tangled up.)
GENIE: Don't worry, Al. (ALADDIN, suspended by his feet and one
hand, blinks. GENIE struggles some more and cuts the goop-rope holding
him to the top. He falls, meaning he's hanging from the rope attached
to ALADDIN'S hand.) Alright — worry.
MOZENRATH: Welcome, my genie.
JASMINE: (Flying up behind him) He's not your genie!
(MOZENRATH zaps her and she collapses on CARPET.)
MOZENRATH: Why is she constantly contradicting me? (He zaps ALADDIN
and GENIE and brings them round to lie in front of him.) Now —
my magical captives must obey a few ground rules. I don't put up
with obstinate servants.
GENIE: I'm a free genie, bub. The only thing I'm a slave to is —
fashion! These things go great with a tasteful string of pearls.
MOZENRATH: Hmm ... how does one trap a free genie? What is this?
(He reaches inside his cape and pulls out a crystal.) This might
do the trick.
GENIE: Yaaah!! (He hides behind ALADDIN.)
ALADDIN: Genie, what is it?
GENIE: The Crystal of Ix! Ooh, even to say it out loud would be
to invite my doom!
MOZENRATH: Allow me. Ixtala!
GENIE: Aaah! He said it! |
(The crystal in MOZENRATH'S hand begins to glow.
It rises into the air. XERXES, realising what's going to happen,
starts to fly off, but a beam comes from the crystal, searches him
out and pulls him back, trapping him inside the crystal, which floats
back down to MOZENRATH'S hand.)
MOZENRATH: Ixtabor! |
(He throws the crystal in the air and it releases
GENIE: Well, it only snagged the wonder-slug! Methinks the crystal's
power has been a wee bit overrated. Let's see you catch a semi-phenomenal,
nearly cosmic genie with that little knick knack.
MOZENRATH: Point well taken. If only I had ... a monumental crystal! |
(That said, he rises into the air and takes a chunk from the rock
in the centre of the cavern, revealing something else underneath.
He flies around it a few times and the rock starts to fall away,
eventually revealing a giant Crystal. GENIE and ALADDIN (and JASMINE
on CARPET) start running away from it, dodging the large bits of
rock that are falling as MOZENRATH uncovers the Crystal.)
GENIE: That could do it.
(A large beam comes from the huge crystal, and starts searching
out GENIE. It goes past where he, along with ALADDIN, is hiding
behind a rock, pauses and comes back, dragging GENIE out with it.
GENIE can't do anything about it, but ALADDIN grabs his hands in
an effort to stop him being pulled backwards.)
ALADDIN: Genie —
(But ALADDIN isn't strong enough and he too starts getting pulled
towards the Crystal. GENIE continues to yell while he's being pulled
and ALADDIN manages to get his feet up on a rock in the way, stopping
them for a little while. MOZENRATH starts to laugh. Just behind
him, JASMINE and CARPET are plotting.)
JASMINE: Mozenrath's is just full of magical power— right?
(CARPET nods.) Carpet, let's move. (She jumps on and they fly off.)
(ALADDIN is still trying to prevent GENIE being pulled into the
MOZENRATH: I love it!
(ALADDIN is losing his grip on GENIE'S hand.)
ALADDIN: Hang on!
(But he can't, and ALADDIN loses his grip. However, before GENIE
gets far, the black goop, still stuck to his hand, stops him going
any further ... for now.) |
GENIE: Wha — ?
(ALADDIN pulls the string of black goop holding them together,
pulling GENIE closer. When he's almost there, the string starts
to break. ALADDIN tries another spot and pulls again. MOZENRATH
is watching all of this.) |
MOZENRATH: (To XERXES) Look how Aladdin loves his genie. He'd do
anything for him. Can we really take his genie away? (XERXES nods.)
In a Gomorrah minute. (He doesn't see JASMINE fly up behind him.)
(ALADDIN is still working on GENIE when MOZENRATH floats down and
prepares to zap them both. But JASMINE grabs his cape and starts
pulling him upwards.)
(JASMINE takes MOZENRATH to just above the Crystal's beam ... and
lets go.) |
(He falls into the path of the beam, which then lets GENIE go,
who falls. MOZENRATH sends out his own beam, which zaps XERXES and
pulls him into the Crystal too. The spell completed, the Crystal
returns to normal and we see MOZENRATH and XERXES trapped inside.
JASMINE is looking at them both.)
JASMINE: Next time know who you're up against! (She flies back
over to
ALADDIN and GENIE, who look very impressed.)
GENIE: Wow! What an awesome display of manline — uh-uh —
womanli — uh ... heroics.
JASMINE: It's all in the company you keep. |
(Back at the palace in Agrabah, the GUARDS are relating
things to the SULTAN.)
FAZAL: The princess caught the evil one in his own trap.
RASOUL: It was remarkable, Your Highness.
SULTAN: Not so remarkable, really. After all, Rasoul — she
is my daughter. (He chuckles and JASMINE smiles.)
ALADDIN: (Pulling JASMINE away from the SULTAN) My hero.
(GENIE pushes ALADDIN and JASMINE apart.)
GENIE: Hey — anyone seen our funny little animal sidekicks? |
(Back to Dagger Rock — IAGO and ABU have just
arrived. They're both equipped with guns, knives, arrows ... and
... well, let's just say they're prepared.)
IAGO: Dagger Rock — twelve o'clock high. (ABU follows him.)
It's showtime! (Even more weapons burst from the belt he's wearing.
ABU follows and does the same thing. But there's nobody in sight.)
Where is everybody? I think those shambling, half-dead mamluk guys
gave us bad directions. (They both collapse against the Crystal.)
Maybe we're supposed to go to Danger Rock, or Dagger Reef ... eh,
I don't know, like more of a nautical thing... (We see MOZENRATH
and XERXES above them, trapped in the Crystal.)
(The end.) |